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Všichni jste zároveň žáci, praktikanti a učitelé.
Richard Bach
Welcome to Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases
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Search and view critically important regional content with international impact to get a comprehensive picture of the influencers and drivers of regional research:
• Approximately 650 titles (over 350 adding content to journals already covered in the Web of Science)
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*SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online) is a program of the Sao Paulo Research Foundation for the cooperative publishing of open access journals on the internet. It is supported by the National Council of Scientific and Technological Development and is a partnership with the Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information. SciELO content includes regional journals from Latin American and the Caribbean as well as titles from Spain, Portugal and South Africa.
Během transplantací implantátů orgánů hrozí vysoké riziko vzniku bakteriální infekce způsobené kontaminací z okolního prostředí. Bylo zjištěno, že jejich účinnost, především u stříbra, roste při vzniku komplexů nanočástic kovů s polymerními látkami jako je chitosan a kyselina hyaluronová. Inhibice replikace, strukturální změny buněčné stěny a intracelulárních a jaderných membrán, denaturace DNA a RNA jsou pozorovatelné i při působení nízkých koncentrací nanočástic stříbra. Escherichia coli O157: H7 a methicilin-rezistentní Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) i při nízkých koncentracích SPNPs.
Being an active EABM of the Journal, we are pleased to provide you the free access of Volume 14, 2014 for the journal entitled “Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry”.
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Více podrobnějších informací a odkaz na formulář k žádosti najdete na stránkách Dotace pro podporu publikování formou Open Access.
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http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/browse/publications?type=labprotocols. Jedná se o trvalý nákup Current Protocols publikovaných 2013-2017.
Byla prodloužena platnost Seznamu recenzovaných neimpaktovaných periodik ČR o jeden rok, tj. do 31. 12. 2013. V hodnocení pro rok 2013 budou bodovány výsledky typu Jrec dle oborů stanovených v platné Metodice pro léta 2013 až 2015.
In vivo-folded metal-metallothionein 3 complexes reveal the Cu-thioneinratherthanZn-thioneincharacter of this brain- specific mammalian metallothionein
By: Artells, Ester; Palacios, Oscar; Capdevila, Merce; et al.
FEBS JOURNAL Volume: 281 Issue: 6 Pages: 1659-1678 Published: MAR 2014
Renal improvement by zinc in diabetic mice is associated with glucose metabolism signaling mediated by metallothionein and Akt, but not Akt2
By: Sun, Weixia; Wang, Yuehui; Miao, Xiao; et al.
FREE RADICAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE Volume: 68 Pages: 22-34 Published: MAR 2014
A multiplex real-time PCR assay for detection of oseltamivir-resistant strains of influenza virus
By: Nidzworski, Dawid; Dobkowska, Joanna; Hoysz, Marcin; et al.
CENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF BIOLOGY Volume: 9 Issue: 6 Pages: 628-633 Published: JUN 2014
Multiplex electrical detection of avian influenza and human immunodeficiency virus with an underlap-embedded silicon nanowire field-effect transistor
By: Kim, Jee-Yeon; Ahn, Jae-Hyuk; Moon, Dong-Il; et al.
BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS Volume: 55 Pages: 162-167 Published: MAY 15 2014
Multiplex electrical detection of avian influenza and human immunodeficiency virus with an underlap-embedded silicon nanowire field-effect transistor
By: Kim, Jee-Yeon; Ahn, Jae-Hyuk; Moon, Dong-Il; et al.
BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS Volume: 55 Pages: 162-167 Published: MAY 15 2014
In vitro chloramphenicol detection in a Haemophilus influenza model using an aptamer-polymer based electrochemical biosensor
By: Yadav, Saurabh K.; Agrawal, Bharati; Chandra, Pranjal; et al.
BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS Volume: 55 Pages: 337-342 Published: MAY 15 2014
Fitness Costs for Influenza B Viruses Carrying Neuraminidase Inhibitor-Resistant Substitutions: Underscoring the Importance of E119A and H274Y.
By: Burnham, Andrew J; Baranovich, Tatiana; Marathe, Bindumadhav M; et al.
Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy Volume: 58 Issue: 5 Pages: 2718-30 Published: 2014-May (Epub 2014 Feb 24)
Int. J. Mol. Sci.
Proteins and Protein-Ligand Interactions 30.1.2014
Int. J. Mol. Sci.
Antimicrobial Polymers 31.6.2014
Int. J. Mol. Sci.
Identification and Roles of the Structure of DNA 30.5.2014
Int. J. Mol. Sci.
Bioactive Nanoparticles 2014 31.10.2014
Int. J. Mol. Sci. Mass Spectrometry Application in Biology 20.03.2014
Int. J. Mol. Sci. Advances in Proteomic Research 2014 10.04.2014
Int. J. Mol. Sci. Human Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Disease Diagnostics 30.4.2014
Int. J. Mol. Sci. Molecular Research in Urology 2014 15.6.2014
Int. J. Mol. Sci. Bioactive Nanoparticles 2014 31.10.2014
Int. J. Env. Res. Publ. Health Endocrine Disruptors and Human Health 31.5.2014
Sensors Amperometric Biosensors 31.10.2014
Sensors Intracellular Sensing 30.06.2014
Sensors On-Chip Sensors 15.6.2014
Sensors Biomedical Sensors and Systems 15.04.2014
Sensors Nanopore Sensors: Fabrications, Properties and Applications 15.05.2014
Sensors Live Cell-Based Sensors with Receptors 15.05.2014
Sensors Immunosensors 2014 31.05.2014
Molecules Dendrimers in Medicine and Biotechnology 15.6.2014
Molecules miRNAs as Probes to Monitor Cancer and Neurodegenerative Disorders 28.2.2014
Molecules Practical Applications of Metal Complexes 15.6.2014
Molecules Fluorescent Probes 30.4.2014
Molecules Bio and Nanomaterials Based on Fe3O4 30.5.2014
Molecules Dendrimers in Medicine and Biotechnology 15.6.2014
Molecules Peptide Chemistry 31.7.2014
Molecules Delivery Systems of Anticancer Agents 31.7.2014
Molecules Novel Drug Candidates for Anticancer Therapy: Design, Preliminary Evaluations, and Further Developments 15.10.2014
Metallomics Zinc in the Biosciences 28.2.2014
Materials Advances nanomaterials for biosensors 31.3.2014
Viruses Viral-bacterial Interactions 31.5.2014
Viruses HIV Drug Resistance 31.05.2014
Viruses Feature Papers Prions 30.04.2014
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