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Biosensors and Bioelectronics


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Podívejte se do Nature Cell Biology

Nature Cell Biology publishes papers of the highest quality from all areas of cell biology, encouraging those that shed light on the molecular mechanisms responsible for fundamental cell biological processes. The journal's scope is broad and includes the following areas (not listed in order of preference):
Specific areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
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• Apoptosis and cell death
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• Organization of the nucleus and nuclear transport
• Cellular and molecular mechanisms of human disease, including cancer (provided that the primary focus is on general processes of cell biology)

Our aim is to publish high-impact research relevant to a broad range of cell biologists. Manuscripts selected for publication in this journal will have to contain data of exceptional quality that provides a striking conceptual advance and an in-depth understanding of the processes under study. We place a high priority on maintaining an open, active dialogue with the community, and encourage you to contact the editors.

Prima ZOOM

Metalothionein information servis (41 T)

Title: Chronic ingestion of cadmium and lead alters the bioavailability of essential and heavy metals, gene expression pathways and genotoxicity in mouse intestine
Author(s): Breton, Jerome; Le Clere, Kelly; Daniel, Catherine; et al.
Source: ARCHIVES OF TOXICOLOGY Volume: 87 Issue: 10 Pages: 1787-1795 DOI: 10.1007/s00204-013-1032-6 Published: OCT 2013

Title: Cadmium versus copper toxicity: Insights from an integrated dissection of protein synthesis pathway in the digestive glands of mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis
Author(s): Pytharopoulou, S.; Kournoutou, G. G.; Leotsinidis, M.; et al.
Source: JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Volume: 260 Pages: 263-271 DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2013.05.031 Published: SEP 15 2013

Title: Improvement of n-butanol tolerance in Escherichia coli by membrane-targeted tilapia metallothionein
Author(s): Chin, Wei-Chih; Lin, Kuo-Hsing; Chang, Jui-Jen; et al.
Source: BIOTECHNOLOGY FOR BIOFUELS Volume: 6 Article Number: 130 DOI: 10.1186/1754-6834-6-130 Published: SEP 11 2013

Title: Metallothionein-I- and -II-deficient mice display increased susceptibility to cadmium-induced fetal growth restriction
Author(s): Selvaratnam, Johanna; Guan, Haiyan; Koropatnick, James; et al.
Source: AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-ENDOCRINOLOGY AND METABOLISM Volume: 305 Issue: 6 Pages: E727-E735 DOI: 10.1152/ajpendo.00157.2013 Published: SEP 2013

Title: Metallothionein as a spinocellular tumour biomarker: analysis of tumorous tissue samples
Author(s): Gumulec, Jaromir; Sztalmachova, Marketa; Polanska, Hana; et al.
Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR MEDICINE Volume: 32 Supplement: 1 Pages: S47-S47 Meeting Abstract: 272 Published: 2013

Influenza (41 T)

Title: Perhydrolase-nanotube paint composites with sporicidal and antiviral activity
Author(s): Grover, Navdeep; Douaisi, Marc P.; Borkar, Indrakant V.; et al.
Source: APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY Volume: 97 Issue: 19 Pages: 8813-8821 DOI: 10.1007/s00253-012-4573-3 Published: OCT 2013

Title: Cationic Host Defence Peptides: Potential as Antiviral Therapeutics
Author(s): Findlay, Emily Gwyer; Currie, Silke M.; Davidson, Donald J.
Source: BIODRUGS Volume: 27 Issue: 5 Pages: 479-493 DOI: 10.1007/s40259-013-0039-0 Published: OCT 2013

Title: Induction of innate immunity in lungs with virus-like nanoparticles leads to protection against influenza and Streptococcus pneumoniae challenge
Author(s): Mathieu, Claudia; Rioux, Gervais; Dumas, Marie-Christine; et al.
Source: NANOMEDICINE-NANOTECHNOLOGY BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE Volume: 9 Issue: 7 Pages: 839-848 DOI: 10.1016/j.nano.2013.02.009 Published: OCT 2013

Title: Mapping Spread and Risk of Avian Influenza A (H7N9) in China
Author(s): Fang, Li-Qun; Li, Xin-Lou; Liu, Kun; et al.
Source: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS Volume: 3 Article Number: 2722 DOI: 10.1038/srep02722 Published: SEP 26 2013

Title: Cross-neutralization of four paramyxoviruses by a human monoclonal antibody
Author(s): Corti, Davide; Bianchi, Siro; Vanzetta, Fabrizia; et al.
Source: NATURE Volume: 501 Issue: 7467 Pages: 439-+ DOI: 10.1038/nature12442 Published: SEP 19 2013

. Title: Dynamically correlated mutations drive human Influenza A evolution
Author(s): Tria, F.; Pompei, S.; Loreto, V.
Source: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS Volume: 3 Article Number: 2705 DOI: 10.1038/srep02705 Published: SEP 19 2013

Title: Clinical Features and Factors Associated with Outcomes of Patients Infected with a Novel Influenza A (H7N9) Virus: A Preliminary Study
Author(s): Chen, Xiaorong; Yang, Zongguo; Lu, Yunfei; et al.
Source: PLOS ONE Volume: 8 Issue: 9 Article Number: e73362 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0073362 Published: SEP 17

Title: Epidemiology and Outcome of Pneumonia Caused by Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in Canadian Hospitals
Author(s): Tadros, Manal; Williams, Victoria; Coleman, Brenda L.; et al.
Source: PLOS ONE Volume: 8 Issue: 9 Article Number: e75171 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0075171 Published: SEP 17 2013

Title: Differential cellular gene expression in duck trachea infected with a highly or low pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza virus
Author(s): Massin, Pascale; Deleage, Claire; Oger, Aurelie; et al.
Source: VIROLOGY JOURNAL Volume: 10 Article Number: 279 DOI: 10.1186/1743-422X-10-279 Published: SEP 10 2013

Title: Influenza A virus (H1N1) increases airway epithelial cell secretion by up-regulation of potassium channel KCNN4
Author(s): Waugh, Taryn; Ching, John C. H.; Zhou, Yan; et al.
Source: BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS Volume: 438 Issue: 4 Pages: 581-587 DOI: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2013.08.012 Published: SEP 6 2013

Title: Low Seroprevalent Species D Adenovirus Vectors as Influenza Vaccines
Author(s): Weaver, Eric A.; Barry, Michael A.
Source: PLOS ONE Volume: 8 Issue: 8 Article Number: e73313 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0073313 Published: AUG 22 2013

Title: Viral Etiology and Clinical Profiles of Children with Severe Acute Respiratory Infections in China
Author(s): Zhang, Chen; Zhu, Na; Xie, Zhengde; et al.
Source: PLOS ONE Volume: 8 Issue: 8 Article Number: e72606 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0072606 Published: AUG 22 2013

Title: Influenza A induced cellular signal transduction pathways
Author(s): Michael, Paul; Brabant, Danielle; Bleiblo, Farag; et al.
Source: JOURNAL OF THORACIC DISEASE Volume: 5 Supplement: 2 Pages: S132-S141 DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2072-1439.2013.07.42 Published: AUG 2013

Title: Evolving Gene Targets and Technology in Influenza Detection
Author(s): Malanoski, Anthony P.; Lin, Baochuan
Source: MOLECULAR DIAGNOSIS & THERAPY Volume: 17 Issue: 5 Pages: 273-286 DOI: 10.1007/s40291-013-0040-9 Published: 2013

Novinky z knihovny

Je otevřen přístup do database časopisů ACS z MENDELU přístupového bodu. Využijte tyto přístupy maximální míře. http://pubs.acs.org/

Current Protocols

V rámci řešení projektu MENDELU RESEARCH LIBRARY http://mereli.mendelu.cz/ byl na webových stránkách http://www.mendelu.cz/cz/sluzby_sz/icuk/databaze zpřístupněn nový elektronický informační zdroj a to Wiley Current Protocols
http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/browse/publications?type=labprotocols. Jedná se o trvalý nákup Current Protocols publikovaných 2013-2017.

Byla prodloužena platnost Seznamu recenzovaných neimpaktovaných periodik ČR o jeden rok, tj. do 31. 12. 2013. V hodnocení pro rok 2013 budou bodovány výsledky typu Jrec dle oborů stanovených v platné Metodice pro léta 2013 až 2015.

information servis (38 T)

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Nanoparticles-based Carriers for Gene Therapy and Drug Delivery

Chemical Vapour Depositions for Carbon Nanotubes Synthesis

Quantum Dots:Biological and biomedecical applications


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