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Critical Review
Analytical methods for copper, zinc and iron quantification in mammalian cells
Giselle Cerchiaro, Tania Maria Manieri and Fernanda Rodrigues Bertuchi, Metallomics, 2013, 5, 1336
What can flies tell us about copper homeostasis?
Adam Southon, Richard Burke and James Camakaris, Metallomics, 2013, 5, 1346
Sodium metavanadate exhibits carcinogenic tendencies in vitro in immortalized human bronchial epithelial cells
Lisa Passantino, Alexandra B. Munoz and Max Costa, Metallomics, 2013, 5, 1357
Mercury( II) complex formation with N-acetylcysteine
Farideh Jalilehvand, Karnjit Parmar and Stephen Zielke, Metallomics, 2013, 5, 1368
Different strategies of cadmium detoxification in the submerged macrophyte Ceratophyllum demersum L.
Elisa Andresen, Jürgen Mattusch, Gerd Wellenreuther, George Thomas, Uriel Arroyo Abad and Hendrik Küpper, Metallomics, 2013, 5, 1377
Methallothionein-3 contributes to vascular endothelial growth factor induction in a mouse model of choroidal neovascularization
Jeong A Choi, Jong-uk Hwang, Young Hee Yoon and Jae-Young Koh, Metallomics, 2013, 5, 1387
Mammalian MT1 and MT2 metallothioneins differ in their metal binding abilities
Ester Artells, Oscar Palacios, Merce Capdevila and Sílvia Atrian, Metallomics, 2013, 5, 1397
Comparison of cytotoxicity and expression of metal regulatory genes in zebrafish (Danio rerio) liver cells exposed to cadmium sulfate, zinc sulfate and quantum dots
Song Tang, Vinay Allagadda, Hicham Chibli, Jay L. Nadeau and Gregory D. Mayer, Metallomics, 2013, 5, 1411
Histidine-rich proteins in prokaryotes: metal homeostasis and environmental habitat-related occurrence
Tianfan Cheng, Wei Xia, Panwen Wang, Feijuan Huang, Junwen Wang and Hongzhe Sun, Metallomics, 2013, 5, 1423
Binding of oxo-Cu 2 clusters to ferric ion-binding protein A from Neisseria gonorrhoeae: a structural insight
Weijing Chen, Danrong Ye, Hongfei Wang, Dechang Lin, Jin Huang, Hongzhe Sun and Weiqing Zhong, Metallomics, 2013, 5, 1430
Quantitative bioimaging of platinum in polymer embedded mouse organs using laser ablation ICP-MS
Olga Reifschneider, Christoph A. Wehe, Indra Raj, Jens Ehmcke, Giuliano Ciarimboli, Michael Sperling and Uwe Karst, Metallomics, 2013, 5, 1440
Efficient preparation and metal specificity of the regulatory protein TroR from the human pathogen Treponema pallidum
Yi Liu, Wei Li, Yaozhu Wei, Yindi Jiang and Xiangshi Tan, Metallomics, 2013, 5, 1448
Nature Immunology is a multidisciplinary journal that publishes papers of the highest quality and significance in all areas of immunology. Priority is given to work that provides fundamental insight into the workings of the immune system. Areas covered include, but are not limited to, innate immunity and inflammation; development; immune receptors, signaling and apoptosis; antigen presentation; gene regulation and recombination; cellular and systemic immunity; vaccines; immune tolerance; autoimmunity and tumor immunology, microbial immunopathology; and transplantation. Nature Immunology places its highest priority on fair and rapid review and speedy publication. Decisions on whether to send a manuscript out for peer review are normally made within two working days of receipt and decisions about publication are typically made within two days of receipt of the referees' reports. In addition to publishing significant original research, Nature Immunology also publishes commentaries, News and Views, research highlights, historical perspectives, correspondence from readers and reviews of the literature, thus serving as the major conduit of top-quality information for the immunology community. Immune cells are found in diverse nonlymphoid tissues where they patrol against infection and injury and help to maintain homeostasis. This month's Focus features five specially commissioned Reviews that discuss interactions and functions of tissue-resident leukocytes. Numerous innate and adaptive immune cells reside in nonlymphoid tissue environments where they contribute to immune defenses. These cells are important players in regulating tissue homeostasis and function. In this issue of Nature Immunology, we present five specially commissioned Reviews that explore the roles of tissue-resident leukocytes and their interactions within the parenchymal tissues and hematopoietic cousins. Access to all of the Focus content can be found online at http://www.nature.com/ni/focus/tr_leukocytes/
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Byla prodloužena platnost Seznamu recenzovaných neimpaktovaných periodik ČR o jeden rok, tj. do 31. 12. 2013. V hodnocení pro rok 2013 budou bodovány výsledky typu Jrec dle oborů stanovených v platné Metodice pro léta 2013 až 2015.
Title: Evaluation of factors associated with cadmium exposure and kidney function in the general population
Author(s): Huang, Mingai; Choi, Seong-Jin; Kim, Dong-Won; et al.
Source: ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY Volume: 28 Issue: 10 Pages: 563-570 Published: OCT 2013
Title: The polymorphism in the promoter region of metallothionein 1 is associated with heat tolerance of scallop Argopecten irradians
Author(s): Yang, Chuanyan; Wang, Lingling; Jiang, Qiufen; et al.
Source: GENE Volume: 526 Issue: 2 Pages: 429-436 DOI: 10.1016/j.gene.2013.05.033 Published: SEP 10 2013
Title: The liver in itai-itai disease (chronic cadmium poisoning): pathological features and metallothionein expression
Author(s): Baba, Hayato; Tsuneyama, Koichi; Yazaki, Megumi; et al.
Source: MODERN PATHOLOGY Volume: 26 Issue: 9 Pages: 1228-1234 DOI: 10.1038/modpathol.2013.62
Title: Biosorption of heavy metals by lactic acid bacteria and identification of mercury binding protein
Author(s): Kinoshita, Hideki; Sohma, Yui; Ohtake, Fumika; et al.
Source: RESEARCH IN MICROBIOLOGY Volume: 164 Issue: 7 Pages: 701-709 DOI: 10.1016/j.resmic.2013.04.004 Published: SEP 2013
Title: Expression of metallothionein-1 and metallothionein-2 as a prognostic marker in hepatocellular carcinoma
Author(s): Park, Yangsoon; Yu, Eunsil
Source: JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY Volume: 28 Issue: 9 Pages: 1565-1572 Published: SEP 2013
Author(s): Pal, A.; Badyal, R.; Vasishta, R. K.; et al.
Conference: International Liver Congress / 48th Annual Meeting of the European-Association-for-the-Study-of-the-Liver (EASL) Location: Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS Date: APR 24-28, 2013
Sponsor(s): European Assoc Study Liver (EASL)
Source: JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY Volume: 58 Supplement: 1 Pages: S561-S561 Meeting Abstract: 1396
Title: Mammalian Metallothioneins
Author(s): Sutherland, Duncan E. K.; Stillman, Martin J.
Book Editor(s): Brown, DR
Source: BRAIN DISEASES AND METALLOPROTEINS Pages: 81-135 Published: 2013
Title: An Attempt to Treat Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis by Intracellular Copper Modification Using Ammonium Tetrathiomolybdate and/or Metallothionein: Fundamentals and Perspective
Author(s): Ono, Shin-Ichi; Tokuda, Ei-Ichi; Okawa, Eriko; et al.
Book Editor(s): Brown, DR
Source: BRAIN DISEASES AND METALLOPROTEINS Pages: 367-405 Published: 2013
Title: Producing Saccharomyces yeast strain used to produce e.g. sulfur dioxide, comprises selecting a parent strain containing a metallothionein 2A gene allele and/or S-phase kinase-associated protein 2 gene allele and introducing parent strain
Patent Number: FR2986009-A1
Title: Characterisation of one H6N6 influenza virus isolated from swine in China
Author(s): Zhao, Guo; Chen, Chaoyang; Huang, Junqing; et al.
Source: RESEARCH IN VETERINARY SCIENCE Volume: 95 Issue: 2 Pages: 434-436 DOI: 10.1016/j.rvsc.2013.06.013 Published: OCT 2013
Title: Detection of Proton Movement Directly across Viral Membranes To Identify Novel Influenza Virus M2 Inhibitors
Author(s): Sulli, Chidananda; Banik, Soma S. R.; Schilling, Justin; et al.
Source: JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY Volume: 87 Issue: 19 Pages: 10679-10686 Published: OCT 2013
Title: Influenza A Virus PB1-F2 Protein Expression Is Regulated in a Strain-Specific Manner by Sequences Located Downstream of the PB1-F2 Initiation Codon
Author(s): Buehler, Jason; Navi, Deepak; Lorusso, Alessio; et al.
Source: JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY Volume: 87 Issue: 19 Pages: 10687-10699 Published: OCT 2013
Title: Mammalian Adaptation in the PB2 Gene of Avian H5N1 Influenza Virus
Author(s): Min, Ji-Young; Santos, Celia; Fitch, Adam; et al.
Source: JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY Volume: 87 Issue: 19 Pages: 10884-10888 Published: OCT 2013
Title: Influenza NS1 interacts with p53 and alters its binding to p53-responsive genes, in a promoter-dependent manner
Author(s): Terrier, Olivier; Diederichs, Audrey; Dubois, Julia; et al.
Source: FEBS LETTERS Volume: 587 Issue: 18 Pages: 2965-2971 DOI: 10.1016/j.febslet.2013.08.006 Published: SEP 17 2013
Title: The helical hairpin structure of the influenza fusion peptide can be seen on a hydrophobic moment map
Author(s): Worch, Remigiusz
Source: FEBS LETTERS Volume: 587 Issue: 18 Pages: 2980-2983 DOI: 10.1016/j.febslet.2013.06.054 Published: SEP 17 2013
Title: Continuous purification of influenza virus using simulated moving bed chromatography
Author(s): Kroeber, T.; Wolff, M. W.; Hundt, B.; et al.
Source: JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY A Volume: 1307 Pages: 99-110 Published: SEP 13 2013
Title: Duplex Molecular Assay Intended for Point-of-Care Diagnosis of Influenza A/B Virus Infection
Author(s): Wu, Liang-Ta; Thomas, Isabelle; Curran, Martin D.; et al.
Source: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY Volume: 51 Issue: 9 Pages: 3031-3038 DOI: 10.1128/JCM.00740-13 Published: SEP 2013
Title: Analytical Sensitivity of Seven Point-of-Care Influenza Virus Detection Tests and Two Molecular Tests for Detection of Avian Origin H7N9 and Swine Origin H3N2 Variant Influenza A Viruses
Author(s): Chan, Kwok-Hung; To, Kelvin K. W.; Chan, Jasper F. W.; et al.
Source: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY Volume: 51 Issue: 9 Pages: 3160-3161 DOI: 10.1128/JCM.01222-13 Published: SEP 2013
Title: Multiplex loop-mediated isothermal amplification (M-LAMP) assay for the detection of influenza A/H1, A/H3 and influenza B can provide a specimen-to-result diagnosis in 40 min with single genome copy sensitivity
Author(s): Mahony, James; Chong, Sylvia; Bulir, David; et al.
Source: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL VIROLOGY Volume: 58 Issue: 1 Pages: 127-131 DOI: 10.1016/j.jcv.2013.06.006 Published: SEP 2013
Title: Automated, simple, and efficient influenza RNA extraction from clinical respiratory swabs using TruTip and epMotion
Author(s): Griesemer, Sara B.; Holmberg, Rebecca; Cooney, Christopher G.; et al.
Source: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL VIROLOGY Volume: 58 Issue: 1 Pages: 138-143 DOI: 10.1016/j.jcv.2013.06.033 Published: SEP 2013
Title: Computational Identification of a New Binding Site in Influenza Virus Hemagglutinin for Membrane Fusion Inhibitors
Author(s): Sun, Lidan; Tian, Feng; Feng, Baosheng; et al.
Source: CHEMICAL BIOLOGY & DRUG DESIGN Volume: 82 Issue: 3 Pages: 267-274 DOI: 10.1111/cbdd.12156 Published: SEP 2013
Title: The Amphipathic Helix of Influenza A Virus M2 Protein Is Required for Filamentous Bud Formation and Scission of Filamentous and Spherical Particles
Author(s): Roberts, Kari L.; Leser, George P.; Ma, Chunlong; et al.
Source: JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY Volume: 87 Issue: 18 Pages: 9973-9982 DOI: 10.1128/JVI.01363-13 Published
Title: Structural investigation of influenza virus hemagglutinin membrane-anchoring peptide
Author(s): Mineev, Konstantin S.; Lyukmanova, Ekaterina N.; Krabben, Ludwig; et al.
Source: PROTEIN ENGINEERING DESIGN & SELECTION Volume: 26 Issue: 9 Pages: 547-552 DOI: 10.1093/protein/gzt034 Published: SEP 2013
Title: Differential Sensitivity of Bat Cells to Infection by Enveloped RNA Viruses: Coronaviruses, Paramyxoviruses, Filoviruses, and Influenza Viruses
Author(s): Hoffmann, Markus; Mueller, Marcel Alexander; Drexler, Jan Felix; et al.
Source: PLOS ONE Volume: 8 Issue: 8 Article Number: e72942 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0072942 Published: AUG 30 2013
Title: Locking the 150-Cavity Open: In Silico Design and Verification of Influenza Neuraminidase Inhibitors
Author(s): Han, Nanyu; Mu, Yuguang
Source: PLOS ONE Volume: 8 Issue: 8 Article Number: e73344 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0073344 Published: AUG 27 2013
Title: Characterizing a Histidine Switch Controlling pH-Dependent Conformational Changes of the Influenza Virus Hemagglutinin
Author(s): Kalani, Mohamad R.; Moradi, Abdulvahab; Moradi, Mahmoud; et al.
Source: BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL Volume: 105 Issue: 4 Pages: 993-1003 DOI: 10.1016/j.bpj.2013.06.047 Published: AUG 20 2013
Title: Determination of Neuraminidase Kinetic Constants Using Whole Influenza Virus Preparations and Correction for Spectroscopic Interference by a Fluorogenic Substrate
Author(s): Marathe, Bindumadhav M.; Leveque, Vincent; Klumpp, Klaus; et al.
Source: PLOS ONE Volume: 8 Issue: 8 Article Number: e71401 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0071401 Published: AUG 15 2013
Title: Protective Efficacy and Immunogenicity of a Combinatory DNA Vaccine against Influenza A Virus and the Respiratory Syncytial Virus
Author(s): Stab, Viktoria; Nitsche, Sandra; Niezold, Thomas; et al.
Source: PLOS ONE Volume: 8 Issue: 8 Article Number: e72217 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0072217 Published: AUG 14 2013
Title: Inhibition of Influenza A Virus Infection in Vitro by Saliphenylhalamide-Loaded Porous Silicon Nanoparticles
Author(s): Bimbo, Luis M.; Denisova, Oxana V.; Makila, Ermei; et al.
Source: ACS NANO Volume: 7 Issue: 8 Pages: 6884-6893 DOI: 10.1021/nn402062f Published: AUG 2013
Title: Influenza A Virus Migration and Persistence in North American Wild Birds
Author(s): Bahl, Justin; Krauss, Scott; Kuehnert, Denise; et al.
Source: PLOS PATHOGENS Volume: 9 Issue: 8 Article Number: e1003570 DOI: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1003570 Published: AUG 2013
Title: Aerosol transmission is an important mode of influenza A virus spread
Author(s): Cowling, Benjamin J.; Ip, Dennis K. M.; Fang, Vicky J.; et al.
Source: NATURE COMMUNICATIONS Volume: 4 Article Number: 1935 DOI: 10.1038/ncomms2922 Published: JUN 2013
Title: Anti-Influenza Activity of C-60 Fullerene Derivatives
Author(s): Shoji, Masaki; Takahashi, Etsuhisa; Hatakeyama, Dai; et al.
Source: PLOS ONE Volume: 8 Issue: 6 Article Number: e66337 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0066337 Published: JUN 13 2013
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