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V pátek 1. února za první tři premiérové vysílací hodiny (20.00–23.00 hod.) dosáhl Prima ZOOM v CS D15+ podílu na trhu 6,49 % (sledovanost 224 tisíc diváků). Celodenní podíl pak činil i přes znevýhodnění pozdního začátku 2,50 % share. Podle dostupných informací tak jde i přes výše uvedené časové znevýhodnění o nejsebevědomější start nového kanálu od počátku digitalizace. Nejsledovanějším pořadem byl v pátek v této CS dokument Bizarní obyvatelé moří (21.00–21.50 hod.). Ujít si ho nenechalo 286 tisíc diváků (7,74 % share).Že se v pátek večer nejednalo pouze o úvodní náhodný výsledek, potvrdila Prima ZOOM hned v sobotu, kdy přes velkou konkurenci sportovního přenosu v CS D15+ vystoupal celodenní podíl na trhu na 4,93 % share. Nejsledovanějším sobotním pořadem byl v této cílové skupině dokument Krokodýlí král, který si po desáté večer pustilo 204 tis. diváků (6,61 % share).A do třetice všeho dobrého se nový kanál výrazně prosadil i v neděli 3. února, kdy v CS D15+ dosáhl jeho celodenní podíl 4,65 % share. Tentokrát byl nejsledovanějším pořadem historický dokument Tajemná smrt Kleopatry, vysílaný po druhé hodině odpolední. Sledovalo ho 194 tis. diváků (7,72 % share). O mnoho pozadu nezůstal ani primetimeový dokument Vláda dinosaurů (20.00–20.43 hod.) se 187 tisíci diváků (4,30 % share) a odpolední Hitlerova tajná stíhačka (17.00–17.50 hod) se 182 tisíci diváků (6,33 % share).Zájem o televizní kanál se projevil i na stránkáchprima-zoom.cz, kde během víkendu stoupl počet reálných uživatelů (RUest) na přibližně dvojnásobek (16 632 tisíc v neděli 3. února) a počet zobrazených stránek se přiblížil stu tisícům denně (95 928 tisíc v neděli 3. února). Skvěle se daří také facebookové stránce kanálu, která má nyní více než 24 tisíc fanoušků.Zdroje: ATO – Mediaresearch; NetMonitor
Title:Lessons on the critical interplay between zinc binding and protein structure and dynamics
Author(s): : Blindauer, Claudia A.
Source::JOURNAL OF INORGANIC BIOCHEMISTRY Volume: 121 Pages: 145-155 DOI: 10.1016/j.jinorgbio.2013.01.005 Published: APR 2013
Abstract: Zinc is one of the most important micronutrients for virtually all living organisms, and hence, it is important to understand the molecular mechanisms for its homeostasis. Besides proteins involved in transmembrane transport, both extra- and intracellular zinc-binding proteins play important roles in the respective metabolic networks. Important examples for extracellular zinc transporters are mammalian serum albumins, and for intracellular zinc handling, certain metallothioneins are of relevance. The availability of protein structures including relevant metal binding sites is a fundamental prerequisite to decipher the mechanisms that govern zinc binding dynamics in these proteins, but their determination can prove to be surprisingly challenging. Due to the spectroscopic silence of Zn2+, combinations of biophysical techniques including electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) and multinuclear NMR, isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) and extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy, coupled with site-directed mutagenesis and molecular modelling have proven to be valuable approaches to understand not only the zinc-binding properties of metallothioneins and albumins, but also the influence of other physiologically relevant competing agents. These studies have demonstrated why the bacterial metallothionein SmtA contains a site inert towards exchange with Cd2+, why the plant metallothionein E-C from wheat is partially unfolded in the presence of Cd2+, and how fatty acids impact on the zinc-binding ability of mammalian serum albumins. (c) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved
Title:Diabetic Basement Membrane Thickening Does Not Occur in Myocardial Capillaries of Transgenic Mice When Metallothionein is Overexpressed in Cardiac Myocytes
Author(s):Velic, Ana; Laturnus, Donna; Chhoun, Jennifer; et al.
Source: :: ANATOMICAL RECORD-ADVANCES IN INTEGRATIVE ANATOMY AND EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY Volume: 296 Issue: 3 Pages: 480-487 DOI: 10.1002/ar.22646 Published: MAR 2013
Abstract: Diabetic cardiomyopathy is a clinically distinct disease characterized by impaired cardiac function as a result of reduced contractility and hypertension-induced athero- or arteriosclerosis. This may be due either to generalized vascular disease, tissue-based injury such as focal cardiomyocyte dysmorphia, or microvascular damage manifested by myocardial capillary basement membrane (CBM) thickening. Hyperglycemia-driven increases in reactive oxygen species (ROS) have been proposed to contribute to such damage. To address this hypothesis, we utilized light (LM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to demonstrate cardiomyocyte morphology and myocardial CBM thickness in the left ventricles of four mouse genotypes: FVB (background Friend virus B controls), OVE (transgenic diabetics), Mt [transgenics with targeted overexpression of the antioxidant protein metallothionein (MT) in cardiomyocytes], and OVEMt (bi-transgenic cross of OVE and Mt) animals. Mice were prepared for morphometric analysis by vascular perfusion. Focal myocardial disorganization was identified in OVE mice but not in the remaining genotypes. Not unexpectedly, myocardial CBM thickness was increased significantly in OVE relative to FVB (P 0.05) and Mt (P 0.05) animals (+28% and +39.5%, respectively). Remarkably, however, OVEMt myocardial CBMs showed no increase in width; rather they were similar to 3% thinner than FVB controls. Although the molecular mechanisms regulating CBM width remain elusive, it seems possible that despite a significant hyperglycemic environment, MT antioxidant activity may mitigate local oxidative stress and reduce downstream excess microvascular extracellular matrix (ECM) formation. In addition, the reduction of intra- and perivascular ROS may protect against incipient endothelial damage and the CBM thickening that results from such injury. Anat Rec, 296: 480-487, 2013. (C) 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Title: The influence of the intensity of smoking and years of work in the metallurgy on pro-oxidant/antioxidant balance in the blood of smelters
Author(s): Bizon, Anna; Antonowicz-Juchniewicz, Jolanta; Andrzejak, Ryszard; et al.
Source: : TOXICOLOGY AND INDUSTRIAL HEALTH Volume: 29 Issue: 2 Pages: 149-161 DOI: 10.1177/0748233711427054 Published: MAR 2013
Abstract: : The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of cigarette smoking and occupational exposure to heavy metals on the degree of pro-oxidant/antioxidant imbalance in smelters. The investigations were performed on the blood and urine of 400 subjects: 300 male copper smelters and 100 nonexposed male subjects. Biological material was divided into three groups: nonsmokers, those who smoked less than 20 cigarettes a day and those who smoked more than 20 cigarettes a day. The results showed a significant increase in the concentration of lead, cadmium and arsenic in the blood and urine of smelters, while smoking more than 20 cigarettes a day caused a further increase in the concentration of these metals. The level of malondialdehyde was approximately twofold higher in the plasma of the smelters compared to the control group. We have observed a disturbance in the level of antioxidants in erythrocyte lysate manifested by an increase in metallothionein and glutathione concentrations as well as superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase activities and the decrease in glutathione S-transferase activity. Cigarette smoking, years of work in metallurgy and age of smelters were additional factors significantly affecting the pro-oxidant/antioxidant balance.
Title: Comparative study on Ni2+-affinity transport of nickel/cobalt permeases (NiCoTs) and the potential of recombinant Escherichia coli for Ni2+ bioaccumulation
Author(s):: Deng, Xu; He, Jinmei; He, Ning
Source: BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY Volume: 130 Pages: 69-74 DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2012.11.133 Published: FEB 2013
Abstract:Comparative evaluation on Ni2+-uptake of two nickel-affinity transmembrane proteins (NiCoTs) respectively from Helocobacter pylori (NixA) and Staphylococcus aureus (NisA) was performed. Expression of NiCoTs alone did not promote Ni2+ uptake of the recombinant strains and made the growth susceptible to Ni2+. However, recombinant strains expressing both NiCoTs and Metallothionein (MT) showed enhanced tolerance to Ni2+ and Ni2+ uptake. The maximum Ni2+-uptake capacity of recombinant strain N1c expressing NixA+MT reached 83.33 mg g(-1), higher than 45.45 mg g(-1) of recombinant strain N1d expressing NisA+MT. N1c exhibited more effective accumulation than N1d in the presence of Na+, Co2+ and Cd2+. NiCoTs promoted intracellular Ni2+ uptake of the recombinant strains. Phosphate groups dominated Ni2+ binding of wild type Escherichia coli, but carboxyl groups contributed more for N1c and N1d. The result suggested that NixA has a higher specificity in Ni2+ binding than NisA, and both NiCoTs and MT are important for Ni2+ bioaccumulation. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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Int. J. Mol. Sci. | Redox Signaling in Biology and Patho-Biology | 30.12.2013 | http://www.mdpi.com/journal/ijms/special_issues/redox_signaling |
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Int. J. Mol. Sci. | Molecular Bases of Cancer Research | 30.8.2013 | http://www.mdpi.com/journal/ijms/special_issues/bases_of_cancer_research |
Int. J. Mol. Sci. | Bioactive Nanoparticles 2013 | 15.10.2013 | http://www.mdpi.com/journal/ijms/special_issues/bioactive_nanoparticles_2013 |
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Curr. Pept.Sci. | Peptides | 30.5.2013 |
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