Není hanbou nic nevědět, ale je hanbou, nechtít se ničemu učit.
For 12 years the Portal has been Europe’s online window on the Universe, spreading the word on ESA’s work exploring and making use of space on a daily basis. It has grown into an authoritative, indispensable channel for the news media and wider public to keep track of all Europe’s many and varied space activities. Our new Portal aims to make our communication even more direct and immediate, with our latest top-level highlights made visible as soon as you visit the site, the design now optimised for visitors using the latest mobile devices as well as standard computers. This site goes on sharing the very latest information on European Space Agency activities, but now with a streamlined design to highlight rich multimedia content like nothing on Earth. Not to mention another added ingredient: You. www
We are pleased to inform you that the above article has been published in the latest issue of Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine. The final version of the article is now included in the issue’s table of contents at the Spandidos Publications website. Your article's citation is as follows: Exp Ther Med 5: 479-484, 2013
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