Dobrá díla jsou plodem dobrého charakteru a protože je chvályhodnější příčina než následek, chval více dobrý charakter bez vzdělání než vzdělance bez charakteru.
Leonardo da Vinci
Web of Science – vyhľadávanie v najvplyvnejšej vedeckej literatúre
Datum:9.1.2013, streda - 10.00-11.00
Registrácia: www
Web of Science – pokročilé vyhľadávanie a analýza výsledkov
Datum:10.1.2013, štvrtok - 14.00-15.00
Výsledkyvýskumníkov – Citation Report a H-index
Datum:16.1.2013, streda - 10.00-11.00
Registrácia: www
UkážkaBiosis Citation Index
Datum:17.1.2013, štvrtok - 14.00-15.00
Registrácia: www
Platforma Web of Knowledge
Datum:29.1.2013, utorok - 14.00-15.00
Cited Reference Search, aleboakonájdemevšetkycitačnéohlasy
Datum:30.1.2013, streda - 10.00-11.00
Registrácia: www
Vytvoreniebibliografiepresnearýchlo s EndNote Web
Datum:14.1.2013, pondelok - 10.00-11.00
Kdepublikovať, alebohodnotenievýsledkovčasopisov
Datum:15.1.2013, utorok - 14.00-15.00
Registrácia: www
ResearcherID, viacnežlenzoznampublikácii
Datum:31.1.2013, štvrtok - 14.00-15.00
Vyššie uvedené školenia prebiehajú on-line pomocou nástroja WebEx. Budete potrebovať len počítač/notebook, internetové pripojenie a sluchátko. Na tejto stránke si môžete overiť, či máte nainštalované všetky potrebné programy na otvorenie WebExu.Enikő Tóth Szász Customer Education Specialist, Thomson Reuters,Vaclavskenamesti 832/19,
Editor-in-Chief : YousefHaik
4 times a year
ISSN:2287-237X (Print)
ISSN:2287-2388 (Online)
Announcing and Call for Papers for New Journal:
Techno-Press, one of the successful global publishers of international journals, is planning to start a new journal to be inaugurated in February 2013 with a title;
"Advances in Nano Research (ANR)",An International Journal
of the synthesis, fabrication, nanomaterials and nanosystems, molecular simulations and nano-x (nanophysics, nanochemistry, nanotubes, nanobiotechnology, nanomedicine, nanoptics, nano-machines/nano-devices, nano-catalysis, nano-composites, nano-mechanics/nano-fluidics etc.)
The new journal aims to integrate high quality contributions from scientists and engineers alike into a single source of information that serves broad scientific audience. The journal publishes original full research articles, short communications for rapid print of research findings, and review articles. The Journal will also print special reports that feature recent discoveries with potential impact or commentary on a state-of-the-art contribution reported in the scientific literature.
Considering your global reputation in Nano Research, I have the pleasure to invite you to contribute your paper to this exciting new journal. We will do our best to expedite the review process so that your paper can be included in the earlier issues (possibly in the inaugural issue) of ANR. For more details, please link;
Professor YousefHaik (University of North Carolina at Greensboro, USA) will serve as the Editor-in-Chief for the journal and I myself will serve as the Managing Editor who is responsible basically for administrative and supportive work.
Rapid superparamagnetic-beads-based automated immunoseparation of Zn-proteins from Staphylococcus aureus with nanogram yield
Pathogenic bacteria have become a serious socio-economic concern. Immunomagnetic separation-based methods create new possibilities for rapidly recognizing many of these pathogens. The aim of this study was to use superparamagnetic particles-based fully automated instrumentation to isolate pathogen Staphylococcus aureus and its Zn(II) containing proteins (Zn-proteins). The isolated bacteria were immediately purified and disintegrated prior to immunoextraction of Zn-proteins by superparamagnetic beads modified with chicken anti-Zn(II) antibody. S. aureus culture was treated with ZnCl2. Optimal pathogen isolation and subsequent disintegration assay steps were carried out with minimal handling. (i) Optimization of bacteria capturing: Superparamagneticmicroparticles composed of human IgG were used as the binding surface for acquiring live S. aureus. The effect of antibodies concentration, ionic strength, and incubation time was concurrently investigated. (ii) Optimization of zinc proteins isolation: pure and intact bacteria isolated by the optimized method were sonicated. The extracts obtained were subsequently analyzed using superparamagnetic particles modified with chicken antibody against zinc(II) ions. (iii) Moreover, various types of bacterial zinc(II) proteins precipitations from particle–surface interactions were tested and associated protein profiles were identified using SDS-PAGE. Use of a robotic pipetting system sped up sample preparation to less than 4 h. Cell lysis and Zn-protein extractions were obtained from a minimum of 100 cells with sufficient yield for SDS-PAGE (tens ng of proteins). Zn(II) content and cell count in the extracts increased exponentially. Furthermore, Zn(II) and proteins balances were determined in cell lysate, extract, and retentate.
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