Tajemství vládnutí spočívá totiž v tom, jak spojit víru ve vlastní neomylnost se schopností učit se z minulých chyb.
George Orwell
Vědci z Mendelovy univerzity v Brně našli způsob, jak transportovat léky do nádorem postižené buňky, aniž by toxické sloučeniny zasáhly zdravé orgány. A to pomocí nanotransportéru léčiv. Právě značná toxicita chemoterapie v současné době neumožňuje aplikaci dostatečně vysokých dávek cytostatik potřebných ke zničení nádorových buněk. Za vším stojí objev proteinu apoferitinu, který dokáže ve své dutině vázat molekuly léčiv a cíleně tak dopravit lék k postižené tkáni. Tento objev zařadil tým Ústavu chemie a biochemie mezi excelentní vědecká pracoviště ve výzkumu cíleného transportu nanočástic v nanomedicíně. V léčbě nádorových onemocnění má výzkum vědců Mendelovy univerzity v Brně celosvětový význam. více..
The Journal of Nanoparticle Research is a monthly peer-reviewed journal that explores the specific concepts, properties, phenomena and processes of structures at the nanoscale size range. Coverage includes synthesis, assembly, transport, reactivity, and stability, and emphasizes realization and application of systems, structures and devices with novel functions obtained via precursor nanoparticles. Volume 15, Issue 1, January 2013, In this issue (65 articles) www
ISSN: 1431-0651 (Print)1433-4909 (Online)
Extremophiles features original research articles, reviews, and method papers on the biology, molecular biology, structure, function, and applications of microbial life at the edges of survivability. Conditions covered include high or low temperature, pressure, acidity, alkalinity, salinity, or oxygen concentration; or in the presence of organic solvents, heavy metals, normally toxic substances, radiation, or host defense mechanisms. The coverage incorporates aspects of multiple disciplines, including molecular biology, biodiversity, genetics, genomics, proteomics, bioinformatics, survival strategies, macromolecular structure, development, biotechnology, fermentation technology, ultrastructure, biotransformation, metabolism, enzymology, biomembranes, bioenergetics, physiology, cell biology, symbiosis, ecology, bioremediation, methodologies, evolution, phylogeny, taxonomy and others.
Issue no. 1 is the yearly “Reviews” issue, containing 17 critical and comprehensive review articles on many timely topics written by experts in the field. We hope that you will find this collection of articles interesting and stimulating. All articles are freely available in 2012 www
Since its 1989 launch, Electroanalysis, under the leadership of Joseph Wang (Founding Editor and Editor-in-Chief) has continued to successfully meet its commitment to publish the very best fundamental and applied research within the electrochemical and analytical communities. Set on a foundation of international co-operation, high quality and promoting creativity, the journal has experienced a remarkably fast growth in submissions, readership and impact. Read, with our compliments throughout 2013, the top 25 cited articles published since launch: www
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