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Nature Immunology is a multidisciplinary journal that publishes papers of the highest quality and significance in all areas of immunology. Priority is given to work that provides fundamental insight into the workings of the immune system. Areas covered include, but are not limited to, innate immunity and inflammation; development; immune receptors, signaling and apoptosis; antigen presentation; gene regulation and recombination; cellular and systemic immunity; vaccines; immune tolerance; autoimmunity and tumor immunology, microbial immunopathology; and transplantation.
Nature Immunology places its highest priority on fair and rapid review and speedy publication. Decisions on whether to send a manuscript out for peer review are normally made within two working days of receipt and decisions about publication are typically made within two days of receipt of the referees' reports.
In addition to publishing significant original research, Nature Immunology also publishes commentaries, News and Views, research highlights, historical perspectives, correspondence from readers and reviews of the literature, thus serving as the major conduit of top-quality information for the immunology community.
Immune cells are found in diverse nonlymphoid tissues where they patrol against infection and injury and help to maintain homeostasis. This month's Focus features five specially commissioned Reviews that discuss interactions and functions of tissue-resident leukocytes.
Numerous innate and adaptive immune cells reside in nonlymphoid tissue environments where they contribute to immune defenses. These cells are important players in regulating tissue homeostasis and function. In this issue of Nature Immunology, we present five specially commissioned Reviews that explore the roles of tissue-resident leukocytes and their interactions within the parenchymal tissues and hematopoietic cousins. Access to all of the Focus content can be found online at
Title: Dual-mode enhancement of metallothionein protein with cell transduction and retention peptide fusion
Author(s): Lim, Kwang Suk; Lim, Myoung-Hwa; Won, Young-Wook; et al.
Source: JOURNAL OF CONTROLLED RELEASE Volume: 171 Issue: 2 Pages: 193-200 Published: OCT 28 2013
Title: Gut microbiota limits heavy metals burden caused by chronic oral exposure
Author(s): Breton, Jerome; Daniel, Catherine; Dewulf, Joelle; et al.
Source: TOXICOLOGY LETTERS Volume: 222 Issue: 2 Pages: 132-138 Published: OCT 24 2013
Title: Psychological Stress-Induced Lower Serum Zinc and Zinc Redistribution in Rats
Author(s): Tao, Liping; Zheng, Yuanyuan; Shen, Zhilei; et al.
Source: BIOLOGICAL TRACE ELEMENT RESEARCH Volume: 155 Issue: 1 Pages: 65-71 DOI: 10.1007/s12011-013-9762-0 Published: OCT 2013
Title: Methallothionein-3 contributes to vascular endothelial growth factor induction in a mouse model of choroidal neovascularization.
Author(s): Choi, Jeong A; Hwang, Jong-Uk; Yoon, Young Hee; et al.
Source: Metallomics : integrated biometal science Volume: 5 Issue: 10 Pages: 1387-96 DOI: 10.1039/c3mt00150d Published: 2013-Sep-25
Title: Expression of metallothionein-1 and metallothionein-2 as a prognostic marker in hepatocellular carcinoma
Author(s): Park, Yangsoon; Yu, Eunsil
Source: JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY Volume: 28 Issue: 9 Pages: 1565-1572 DOI: 10.1111/jgh.12261 Published: SEP 2013
Title: Cordyceps sinensis Increases Hypoxia Tolerance by Inducing Heme Oxygenase-1 and Metallothionein via Nrf2 Activation in Human Lung Epithelial Cells.
Author(s): Singh, Mrinalini; Tulsawani, Rajkumar; Koganti, Praveen; et al.
Source: BioMed research international Volume: 2013 Pages: 569206 DOI: 10.1155/2013/569206 Published: 2013 (Epub 2013
Title: Differential Hepatic Metal and Metallothionein Levels in Three Feral Fish Species along a Metal Pollution Gradient
Author(s): Bervoets, Lieven; Knapen, Dries; De Jonge, Maarten; et al.
Source: PLOS ONE Volume: 8 Issue: 3 Article Number: e60805 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0060805 Published: MAR 28 2013
Title: The impact of viral tropism and housing conditions on the transmission of three H5/H7 low pathogenic avian influenza viruses in chickens.
Author(s): Claes, G; Welby, S; VAN DEN Berg, T; et al.
Source: Epidemiology and infection Volume: 141 Issue: 11 Pages: 2428-43 DOI: 10.1017/S0950268813000125 Published: 2013-Nov (Epub 2013 Feb 11)
Title: Virological and serological study of human infection with swine influenza A H1N1 virus in China.
Author(s): Zu, Rongqiang; Dong, Libo; Qi, Xian; et al.
Source: Virology Volume: 446 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 49-55 DOI: 10.1016/j.virol.2013.07.022 Published: 2013-Nov (Epub 2013
Title: Structural basis for the divergent evolution of influenza B virus hemagglutinin.
Author(s): Ni, Fengyun; Kondrashkina, Elena; Wang, Qinghua
Source: Virology Volume: 446 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 112-22 DOI: 10.1016/j.virol.2013.07.035 Published: 2013-Nov (Epub 2013 Aug 27)
Title: Cellular bioenergetics, caspase activity and glutathione in murine lungs infected with influenza A virus.
Author(s): Alsuwaidi, Ahmed R; Almarzooqi, Saeeda; Albawardi, Alia; et al.
Source: Virology Volume: 446 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 180-8 DOI: 10.1016/j.virol.2013.07.034 Published: 2013-Nov (Epub 2013
Title: Mutation from arginine to lysine at the position 189 of hemagglutinin contributes to the antigenic drift in H3N2 swine influenza viruses.
Author(s): Ye, Jianqiang; Xu, Yifei; Harris, Jillian; et al.
Source: Virology Volume: 446 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 225-9 DOI: 10.1016/j.virol.2013.08.004 Published: 2013-Nov (Epub 2013
Title: Receptor specificity does not affect replication or virulence of the 2009 pandemic H1N1 influenza virus in mice and ferrets.
Author(s): Lakdawala, Seema S; Shih, Angela R; Jayaraman, Akila; et al.
Source: Virology Volume: 446 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 349-56 DOI: 10.1016/j.virol.2013.08.011 Published: 2013-Nov (Epub 2013 Sep 10)
Title: Discovery and synthesis of novel benzofurazan derivatives as inhibitors of influenza A virus
Author(s): Kessler, Ulrich; Castagnolo, Daniele; Pagano, Mafalda; et al.
Source: BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS Volume: 23 Issue: 20 Pages: 5575-5577 Published: OCT 15 2013
Title: A simple and fast system for cloning influenza A virus gene segments into pHW2000- and pCAGGS-based vectors.
Author(s): Czudai-Matwich, Volker; Schnare, Markus; Pinkenburg, Olaf
Source: Archives of virology Volume: 158 Issue: 10 Pages: 2049-58 DOI: 10.1007/s00705-013-1697-4 Published: 2013-Oct (Epub 2013 Apr 25)
Title: Experimental infection of non-human primates with avian influenza virus (H9N2).
Author(s): Zhang, Kun; Xu, Weiwei; Zhang, Zhaowei; et al.
Source: Archives of virology Volume: 158 Issue: 10 Pages: 2127-34 DOI: 10.1007/s00705-013-1721-8 Published: 2013-Oct (Epub 2013 May 12)
Title: Substitution Rates of the Internal Genes in the Novel Avian H7N9 Influenza Virus.
Author(s): Zhang, Liangsheng; Zhang, Zhenguo; Weng, Zhiping; et al.
Source: Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America Volume: 57 Issue: 8 Pages: 1213-5 DOI: 10.1093/cid/cit447 Published: 2013-Oct (Epub 2013 Jul 02)
Title: Novel Avian-Origin Influenza A (H7N9) Virus Attaches to Epithelium in Both Upper and Lower Respiratory Tract of Humans.
Author(s): van Riel, Debby; Leijten, Lonneke M E; de Graaf, Miranda; et al.
Source: The American journal of pathology Volume: 183 Issue: 4 Pages: 1137-43 DOI: 10.1016/j.ajpath.2013.06.011 Published: 2013-Oct (Epub 2013 Sep 10)
Title: Genetic analysis of the PB1-F2 gene of equine influenza virus.
Author(s): Lu, Gang; Guo, Wei; Qi, Ting; et al.
Source: Virus genes Volume: 47 Issue: 2 Pages: 250-8 DOI: 10.1007/s11262-013-0935-x Published: 2013-Oct (Epub 2013 Jun 19)
Title: Viral RNA Polymerase: A Promising Antiviral Target for Influenza A Virus
Author(s): Shi, Fangyuan; Xie, Yuanchao; Shi, Lifang; et al.
Source: CURRENT MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 20 Issue: 31 Pages: 3923-3934 Published: OCT 2013
Title: Detection of Proton Movement Directly across Viral Membranes To Identify Novel Influenza Virus M2 Inhibitors
Author(s): Sulli, Chidananda; Banik, Soma S. R.; Schilling, Justin; et al.
Source: JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY Volume: 87 Issue: 19 Pages: 10679-10686 DOI: 10.1128/JVI.01190-13 Published: OCT
Title: Characterization of H7N9 influenza A viruses isolated from humans.
Author(s): Watanabe, Tokiko; Kiso, Maki; Fukuyama, Satoshi; et al.
Source: Nature Volume: 501 Issue: 7468 Pages: 551-5 DOI: 10.1038/nature12392 Published: 2013-Sep-26 (Epub 2013 Jul
Title: Pathogenesis and transmission of avian influenza A (H7N9) virus in ferrets and mice.
Author(s): Belser, Jessica A; Gustin, Kortney M; Pearce, Melissa B; et al.
Source: Nature Volume: 501 Issue: 7468 Pages: 556-9 DOI: 10.1038/nature12391 Published: 2013-Sep-26 (Epub 2013 Jul 10)
Title: Multiple heterologous M2 extracellular domains presented on virus-like particles confer broader and stronger M2 immunity than live influenza A virus infection.
Author(s): Kim, Min-Chul; Lee, Jong-Seok; Kwon, Young-Man; et al.
Source: Antiviral research Volume: 99 Issue: 3 Pages: 328-35 DOI: 10.1016/j.antiviral.2013.06.010 Published: 2013-Sep
Title: The NF-kappaB inhibitor SC75741 protects mice against highly pathogenic avian influenza A virus.
Author(s): Haasbach, Emanuel; Reiling, Sarah Julia; Ehrhardt, Christina; et al.
Source: Antiviral research Volume: 99 Issue: 3 Pages: 336-44 DOI: 10.1016/j.antiviral.2013.06.008 Published: 2013-Sep (Epub 2013 Jun 28)
Title: The influenza virus NS1 protein as a therapeutic target.
Author(s): Engel, Daniel A
Source: Antiviral research Volume: 99 Issue: 3 Pages: 409-16 DOI: 10.1016/j.antiviral.2013.06.005 Published: 2013-Sep (Epub 2013 Jun 21)
Title: Antivirals for influenza: a summary of a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies.
Author(s): Santesso, Nancy; Hsu, Jonathan; Mustafa, Reem; et al.
Source: Influenza and other respiratory viruses Volume: 7 Suppl 2 Pages: 76-81 DOI: 10.1111/irv.12085 Published: 2013-Sep
Title: MicroRNA-based strategy to mitigate the risk of gain-of-function influenza studies
Author(s): Langlois, Ryan A.; Albrecht, Randy A.; Kimble, Brian; et al.
Source: NATURE BIOTECHNOLOGY Volume: 31 Issue: 9 Pages: 844-+ Published: SEP 2013
Title: Estimates of Excess Medically Attended Acute Respiratory Infections in Periods of Seasonal and Pandemic Influenza in Germany from 2001/02 to 2010/11
Author(s): an der Heiden, Matthias; Koepke, Karla; Buda, Silke; et al.
Source: PLOS ONE Volume: 8 Issue: 7 Article Number: e64593 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0064593 Published: JUL 16
. Title: A Review of the Evidence to Support Influenza Vaccine Introduction in Countries and Areas of WHO's Western Pacific Region
Author(s): Samaan, Gina; McPherson, Michelle; Partridge, Jeffrey
Source: PLOS ONE Volume: 8 Issue: 7 Article Number: e70003 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0070003 Published: JUL 16
Title: Real-time detection of influenza A virus using semiconductor nanophotonics
Author(s): Lepage, Dominic; Jimenez, Alvaro; Beauvais, Jacques; et al.
Source: LIGHT-SCIENCE & APPLICATIONS Volume: 2 Pages: E62-E62 Published: APR 2013
Title: Clinical Features and Factors Associated with Outcomes of Patients Infected with a Novel Influenza A (H7N9) Virus: A Preliminary Study.
Author(s): Chen, Xiaorong; Yang, Zongguo; Lu, Yunfei; et al.
Source: PloS one Volume: 8 Issue: 9 Pages: e73362 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0073362 Published: 2013 Sep 17
Title: MicroRNA Expression Profile of Mouse Lung Infected with 2009 Pandemic H1N1 Influenza Virus.
Author(s): Wu, Zhihao; Hao, Rongzhang; Li, Peng; et al.
Source: PloS one Volume: 8 Issue: 9 Pages: e74190 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0074190 Published: 2013 Sep 16
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