Důkazem vysokého vzdělání je schopnost mluvit o největších věcech nejjednodušším způsobem.
David Hume
MedChemComm is a multi-disciplinary journal which publishes both highly-significant research in traditional areas of medicinal chemistry and cutting edge work in new or interdisciplinary areas. The journal's mission is to broaden the field of opportunity for medicinal chemists, bringing new thinking to the subject and challenging perceptions of what is possible in drug discovery. Research in other disciplines which has an impact or application in medicinal chemistry is particularly welcomed and encouraged.
Dr Anthony Wood, Pfizer, USA
Professor Greg Verdine, Harvard University, USA
MedChemComm welcomes highly significant research and review articles in medicinal chemistry, drug discovery, pharmacology and pharmaceutical research, including research which interfaces with other areas of the chemical sciences, biology, materials science or physics.
Examples of areas included within the journal's scope are:
• Chemical biology studies that enable drug discovery
• Novel technologies in areas such as biomaterials and nanotechnology that have potential application in drug discovery,
• Modifications of known chemical or biochemical entities that significantly improve pharmacological properties
• Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of novel chemical or biochemical entities which exhibit significant potential as new pharmacological agents, probes and/or potential drugs
• Computational, biophysical, physicochemical, molecular biological, proteomic studies of chemical or biochemical entities and their interaction within their biological environment
• Pharmacokinetic behaviour, pharmacodynamics, and drug safety and toxicology
Article Types
Concise Article: For the presentation of new results. Generally between 3 and 7 journal pages in length.
Review: Critical reviews of key areas of medicinal chemistry research.
Christian Hess, Dario Venetz and Dario Neri
Med. Chem. Commun., 2014, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C3MD00360D, Review Article
First published online : 07 Jan 2014
There is a trend in oncology towards the development of ‘armed’ antibody products. In this article, some of the most advanced preclinical and clinical activities in the field of armed antibodies are reviewed.
Během transplantací implantátů orgánů hrozí vysoké riziko vzniku bakteriální infekce způsobené kontaminací z okolního prostředí. Bylo zjištěno, že jejich účinnost, především u stříbra, roste při vzniku komplexů nanočástic kovů s polymerními látkami jako je chitosan a kyselina hyaluronová. Inhibice replikace, strukturální změny buněčné stěny a intracelulárních a jaderných membrán, denaturace DNA a RNA jsou pozorovatelné i při působení nízkých koncentrací nanočástic stříbra. Escherichia coli O157: H7 a methicilin-rezistentní Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) i při nízkých koncentracích SPNPs.
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http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/browse/publications?type=labprotocols. Jedná se o trvalý nákup Current Protocols publikovaných 2013-2017.
Byla prodloužena platnost Seznamu recenzovaných neimpaktovaných periodik ČR o jeden rok, tj. do 31. 12. 2013. V hodnocení pro rok 2013 budou bodovány výsledky typu Jrec dle oborů stanovených v platné Metodice pro léta 2013 až 2015.
Metallothionein - Immunohistochemical Cancer Biomarker: A Meta-Analysis
By: Gumulec, Jaromir; Raudenska, Martina; Adam, Vojtech; et al.
PLOS ONE Volume: 9 Issue: 1 Article Number: e85346 Published: JAN 8 2014
Enhanced Pb2+ biosorption by recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae expressing human metallothionein
By: Li, Min; Zhang, Zhibin; Shang, Jie; et al.
Conference: 2nd International Congress on Advanced Materials (ICAM) Location: Jiangsu Univ, Zhejiang, PEOPLES R CHINA Date: MAY 16-19, 2013
MONATSHEFTE FUR CHEMIE Volume: 145 Issue: 1 Pages: 235-240 Published: JAN 2014
Solution Structure of the Circular gamma-Domain Analog from the Wheat Metallothionein E-c-1
By: Tarasava, Katsiaryna; Johannsen, Silke; Freisinger, Eva
MOLECULES Volume: 18 Issue: 11 Pages: 14414-14429 Published: NOV 2013
New Small Molecule Entry Inhibitors Targeting Hemagglutinin-Mediated Influenza A Virus Fusion
By: Basu, Arnab; Antanasijevic, Aleksandar; Wang, Minxiu; et al.
JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY Volume: 88 Issue: 3 Pages: 1447-1460 Published: FEB 2014
Novel H7N9 Influenza Virus Shows Low Infectious Dose, High Growth Rate, and Efficient Contact Transmission in the Guinea Pig Model
By: Gabbard, Jon D.; Dlugolenski, Daniel; Van Riel, Debby; et al.
JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY Volume: 88 Issue: 3 Pages: 1502-1512 Published: FEB 2014
Highly Pathological Influenza A Virus Infection Is Associated with Augmented Expression of PD-1 by Functionally Compromised Virus-Specific CD8(+) T Cells
By: Rutigliano, John A.; Sharma, Shalini; Morris, Melissa Y.; et al.
JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY Volume: 88 Issue: 3 Pages: 1636-1651 Published: FEB 2014
Impact of Potential Permissive Neuraminidase Mutations on Viral Fitness of the H275Y Oseltamivir-Resistant Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 Virus In Vitro, in Mice and in Ferrets
By: Abed, Yacine; Pizzorno, Andres; Bouhy, Xavier; et al.
JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY Volume: 88 Issue: 3 Pages: 1652-1658 Published: FEB 2014
Accurate classification and hemagglutinin amino acid signatures for influenza A virus host-origin association and subtyping
By: ElHefnawi, Mahmoud; Sherif, Fayroz E.
VIROLOGY Volume: 449 Pages: 328-338 Published: JAN 20 2014
Evolution of Influenza Neuraminidase and the Detection of Antiviral Resistant Strains Using Mass Trees
By: Swaminathan, Kavya; Downard, Kevin M.
ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 86 Issue: 1 Special Issue: SI Pages: 629-637 Published: JAN 7 2014
Int. J. Mol. Sci.
Proteins and Protein-Ligand Interactions 30.1.2014
Int. J. Mol. Sci.
Antimicrobial Polymers 31.6.2014
Int. J. Mol. Sci.
Identification and Roles of the Structure of DNA 30.5.2014
Int. J. Mol. Sci.
Bioactive Nanoparticles 2014 31.10.2014
Int. J. Mol. Sci. Mass Spectrometry Application in Biology 20.03.2014
Int. J. Mol. Sci. Advances in Proteomic Research 2014 10.04.2014
Int. J. Mol. Sci. Human Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Disease Diagnostics 30.4.2014
Int. J. Mol. Sci. Molecular Research in Urology 2014 15.6.2014
Int. J. Mol. Sci. Bioactive Nanoparticles 2014 31.10.2014
Int. J. Env. Res. Publ. Health Endocrine Disruptors and Human Health 31.5.2014
Sensors Amperometric Biosensors 31.10.2014
Sensors Intracellular Sensing 30.06.2014
Sensors On-Chip Sensors 15.6.2014
Sensors Biomedical Sensors and Systems 15.04.2014
Sensors Nanopore Sensors: Fabrications, Properties and Applications 15.05.2014
Sensors Live Cell-Based Sensors with Receptors 15.05.2014
Sensors Immunosensors 2014 31.05.2014
Molecules Dendrimers in Medicine and Biotechnology 15.6.2014
Molecules miRNAs as Probes to Monitor Cancer and Neurodegenerative Disorders 28.2.2014
Molecules Practical Applications of Metal Complexes 15.6.2014
Molecules Fluorescent Probes 30.4.2014
Molecules Bio and Nanomaterials Based on Fe3O4 30.5.2014
Molecules Dendrimers in Medicine and Biotechnology 15.6.2014
Molecules Peptide Chemistry 31.7.2014
Molecules Delivery Systems of Anticancer Agents 31.7.2014
Molecules Novel Drug Candidates for Anticancer Therapy: Design, Preliminary Evaluations, and Further Developments 15.10.2014
Metallomics Zinc in the Biosciences 28.2.2014
Materials Advances nanomaterials for biosensors 31.3.2014
Viruses Viral-bacterial Interactions 31.5.2014
Viruses HIV Drug Resistance 31.05.2014
Viruses Feature Papers Prions 30.04.2014
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