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George Orwell

Biosensors and Bioelectronics


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About Journal of Materials Chemistry C
Medicine has developed throughout time but has remained forever concerned with the maintenance of health and thus the science of prevention and alleviation, and ultimately curing, of disease. To continue its development in new directions, medicine is now looking to nanomedicine, an emerging scientific specialty born from nanotechnology, which has grown up in the fields of engineering, physics, chemistry and biotechnology, and is now moving into medicine, with huge potential for expansion and development over the next decade and beyond.
As our knowledge of the human body continues to improve, nanotechnology will be developed to monitor, repair and control human biological systems at the molecular level. This will offer unique opportunities for developing new therapeutic approaches to diagnose, prevent, treat and eradicate life-threatening diseases and conditions (such as cancer and diabetes), as well as resolving pain and improving medical techniques (such as bone repair and surgical techniques), through various novel nanotechnological approaches.
Nanomedicine (ISSN 1743-5889) is a uniquely medicine-focused journal, addressing the important challenges and advances in medical nanoscale-structured material and devices, biotechnology devices and molecular machine systems and nanorobotics, delivering this essential information in concise, clear and attractive article formats. The journal is a valuable information source for all players in the field – academic, industrial and clinical researchers, pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, regulatory authorities and others across the scientific community.
Coverage includes:
• Principles of nanomedicine, including basic research and theoretical applications
• Nanotechnological advances and their potential medical applications
• Disorders/conditions and the benefits of nanomedical tools versus traditional techniques
• Pre-clinical testing of novel nanomedical tools
• Diagnostic tools and applications
• Implanted nanodevices for the prevention and treatment of disease and the alleviation of pain
• Nanomedical tools in gene therapy for inherited diseases
• Tissue, cell and genetic engineering involving nanomedical tools
• Therapeutic applications of nanotechnology
• Drug delivery using nano-particles (natural and artificial) or devices
• Technologies already in clinical use: diagnostics, therapeutics or surgical aids
• Prediction of adverse reactions of nanomedical technology, toxicology and safety issues
• Ethical, regulatory and legal issues
• Commercialization, funding and economics of nanomedical technology
The nanomedicine field is still in its infancy, however, in the next few years there are likely to be further exciting developments across medical science, engineering, chemistry and physics. Diverse researchers working together under the nanomedicine umbrella will produce findings with potential medical uses: preventing, diagnosing and treating human diseases, as well as relieving pain. Nanomedicine will provide a critical overview of these advances as they unfold, helping to shape the future of medicine in this exciting era.

Magazín Leonardo

Během transplantací implantátů orgánů hrozí vysoké riziko vzniku bakteriální infekce způsobené kontaminací z okolního prostředí. Bylo zjištěno, že jejich účinnost, především u stříbra, roste při vzniku komplexů nanočástic kovů s polymerními látkami jako je chitosan a kyselina hyaluronová. Inhibice replikace, strukturální změny buněčné stěny a intracelulárních a jaderných membrán, denaturace DNA a RNA jsou pozorovatelné i při působení nízkých koncentrací nanočástic stříbra. Escherichia coli O157: H7 a methicilin-rezistentní Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) i při nízkých koncentracích SPNPs.

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Metalothionein information servis (03 T) )

Title: Enhanced toxicity of 'bulk' titanium dioxide compared to 'fresh' and 'aged' nano-TiO2 in marine mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis)
Author(s): D'Agata, Alessia; Fasulo, Salvatore; Dallas, Lorna J.; et al.
Source: NANOTOXICOLOGY Volume: 8 Issue: 5 Pages: 549-558 DOI: 10.3109/17435390.2013.807446 Published: AUG 2014

Title: Effects of Ocean Acidification on Toxicity of Heavy Metals in the Bivalve Mytilus edulis L
Author(s): Han, Zhao-Xiang; Wu, Dan-Dan; Wu, Jue; et al.
Source: SYNTHESIS AND REACTIVITY IN INORGANIC METAL-ORGANIC AND NANO-METAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 44 Issue: 1 Pages: 133-139 DOI: 10.1080/15533174.2013.770753 Published: JAN 2 2014

Title: Rare-earth-incorporated polymeric vector for enhanced gene delivery
Author(s): Wang, Qiwen; Jin, Weihong; Wu, Guosong; et al.
Source: BIOMATERIALS Volume: 35 Issue: 1 Pages: 479-488 DOI: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2013.09.069 Published: JAN 2014

Title: Hypoxic resistance of hypodermically transplanted pancreatic islets by using cell-absorbable antioxidant Tat-metallothionein
Author(s): Jung, Hae Song; Lim, Kwang Suk; Kim, Min Jun; et al.
Source: JOURNAL OF CONTROLLED RELEASE Volume: 172 Issue: 3 Pages: 1092-1101 Published: DEC 28 2013

Title: Density Functional Theory Study of the Attack of Ebselen on a Zinc-Finger Model
Author(s): Antony, Sonia; Bayse, Craig A.
Source: INORGANIC CHEMISTRY Volume: 52 Issue: 24 Pages: 13803-13805 Published: DEC 16 2013

Title: The Response of Metallothionein and Malondialdehyde after Exclusive and Combined Cd/Zn Exposure in the Crab Sinopotamon henanense
Author(s): Li, Yingjun; Chai, Xi; Wu, Hao; et al.
Source: PLOS ONE Volume: 8 Issue: 11 Article Number: e80475 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0080475 Published: NOV 18 2013

Title: Non-enzymatic modifications in metallothioneins connected to lipid membrane damages: Structural and biomimetic studies under reductive radical stress
Author(s): Torreggiani, Armida; Chatgilialoglu, Chryssostomos; Ferreri, Carla; et al.
Source: JOURNAL OF PROTEOMICS Volume: 92 Special Issue: SI Pages: 204-215 Published: OCT 30 2013

Title: Cyanovanadate(III) complexes as novel additives for efficient generation of volatile cadmium species in complex samples prior to determinations by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS)
Author(s): Yilmaz, Vedat; Arslan, Zikri; Rose, LaKeysha; et al.
Source: TALANTA Volume: 115 Pages: 681-687 DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2013.06.039 Published: OCT 15 2013

Title: Relation between metallothionein, RNA/DNA and heavy metals in juveniles of colossoma macropomun (Cuvier, 1818) in natural conditions
Author(s): Lemus, M.; Blanco, I.; Hernandez, M.; et al.
Book Editor(s): Pirrone, N
Conference: 16th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment (ICHMET) Location: Rome, ITALY Date: SEP 23-27, 2012

Title: Concentrations of metallothionein in the bivalve molluscs Anodonta spp. and Unio spp. from Latvian lakes with different anthropogenic pressure
Author(s): Purina, I.; Barda, I.; Rimsa, E.; et al.
Book Editor(s): Pirrone, N
Conference: 16th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment (ICHMET) Location: Rome, ITALY Date: SEP 23-27, 2012

Influenza (03 T)

Title: A novel small-molecule binds to the influenza A virus RNA promoter and inhibits viral replication
Author(s): Lee, Mi-Kyung; Bottini, Angel; Kim, Meehyein; et al.
Source: CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS Volume: 50 Issue: 3 Pages: 368-370 DOI: 10.1039/c3cc46973e Published: 2014

Title: Survival of influenza virus on human fingers
Author(s): Thomas, Y.; Boquete-Suter, P.; Koch, D.; et al.
Source: CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY AND INFECTION Volume: 20 Issue: 1 Pages: O58-O64 Published: JAN 2014

Title: Antiviral potential of cathelicidins
Author(s): Barlow, Peter G.; Findlay, Emily Gwyer; Currie, Silke M.; et al.
Source: FUTURE MICROBIOLOGY Volume: 9 Issue: 1 Pages: 55-73 DOI: 10.2217/fmb.13.135 Published: JAN 2014

Title: Oral administration of Lactobacillus brevis KB290 to mice alleviates clinical symptoms following influenza virus infection
Author(s): Waki, N.; Yajima, N.; Suganuma, H.; et al.
Source: LETTERS IN APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY Volume: 58 Issue: 1 Pages: 87-93 DOI: 10.1111/lam.12160 Published: JAN 2014

Title: The hemagglutinin mutation E391K of pandemic 2009 influenza revisited
Author(s): Radomski, Jan P.; Plonski, Piotr; Zagorski-Ostoja, Wlodzimierz
Source: MOLECULAR PHYLOGENETICS AND EVOLUTION Volume: 70 Pages: 29-36 Published: JAN 2014

Title: A Comparative High-Throughput Screening Protocol to Identify Entry Inhibitors of Enveloped Viruses
Author(s): Wang, Juan; Cheng, Han; Ratia, Kiira; et al.
Source: JOURNAL OF BIOMOLECULAR SCREENING Volume: 19 Issue: 1 Special Issue: SI Pages: 100-107 Published: JAN 2014

Title: Tyrosinase and Layer-by-Layer supported tyrosinases in the synthesis of lipophilic catechols with antiinfluenza activity
Author(s): Bozzini, Tiziana; Botta, Giorgia; Delfino, Michela; et al.
Source: BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 21 Issue: 24 Pages: 7699-7708 DOI: 10.1016/j.bmc.2013.10.026 Published: DEC 15 2013

Title: Further discovery of caffeic acid derivatives as novel influenza neuraminidase inhibitors
Author(s): Xie, Yuanchao; Huang, Bing; Yu, Kexiang; et al.
Source: BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 21 Issue: 24 Pages: 7715-7723 DOI: 10.1016/j.bmc.2013.10.020 Published: DEC 15 2013

Title: Synthesis of Biologically Active N- and O-Linked Glycans with Multisialylated Poly-N-acetyllactosamine Extensions Using P. damsela alpha 2-6 Sialyltransferase
Author(s): Nycholat, Corwin M.; Peng, Wenjie; McBride, Ryan; et al.
Source: JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY Volume: 135 Issue: 49 Pages: 18280-18283 Published: DEC 11 2013

Title: Preferential Recognition of Avian-Like Receptors in Human Influenza A H7N9 Viruses
Author(s): Xu, Rui; de Vries, Robert P.; Zhu, Xueyong; et al.
Source: SCIENCE Volume: 342 Issue: 6163 Pages: 1230-1235 DOI: 10.1126/science.1243761 Published: DEC 6 2013

Title: H5N1, a wealth of knowledge to improve pandemic preparedness
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Source: VIRUS RESEARCH Volume: 178 Issue: 1 Pages: 1-2 Published: DEC 5 2013

Title: The avian and mammalian host range of highly pathogenic avian H5N1 influenza
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Source: VIRUS RESEARCH Volume: 178 Issue: 1 Pages: 3-11 Published: DEC 5 2013

Title: Recognition of sulphated and fucosylated receptor sialosides by A/Vietnam/1194/2004 (H5N1) influenza virus
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Source: VIRUS RESEARCH Volume: 178 Issue: 1 Pages: 12-14 Published: DEC 5 2013

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Source: VIRUS RESEARCH Volume: 178 Issue: 1 Pages: 15-20 Published: DEC 5 2013

Title: Adaptive mutations in the H5N1 polymerase complex
Author(s): Gabriel, Guelsah; Czudai-Matwich, Volker; Klenk, Hans-Dieter
Source: VIRUS RESEARCH Volume: 178 Issue: 1 Pages: 53-62 Published: DEC 5 2013
Title: H5N1 receptor specificity as a factor in pandemic risk
Author(s): Paulson, James C.; de Vries, Robert P.
Source: VIRUS RESEARCH Volume: 178 Issue: 1 Pages: 99-113 Published: DEC 5 2013

Title: Use of ex vivo and in vitro cultures of the human respiratory tract to study the tropism and host responses of highly pathogenic avian influenza A (H5N1) and other influenza viruses
Author(s): Chan, Renee W. Y.; Chan, Michael C. W.; Nicholls, John M.; et al.
Source: VIRUS RESEARCH Volume: 178 Issue: 1 Pages: 133-145 Published: DEC 5 2013

Title: Molecular signatures of virulence in the PB1-F2 proteins of H5N1 influenza viruses
Author(s): Smith, Amber M.; McCullers, Jonathan A.
Source: VIRUS RESEARCH Volume: 178 Issue: 1 Pages: 146-150 Published: DEC 5 2013

Title: H5N1 pathogenesis studies in mammalian models
Author(s): Belser, Jessica A.; Tumpey, Terrence M.
Source: VIRUS RESEARCH Volume: 178 Issue: 1 Pages: 168-185 Published: DEC 5 2013

Title: Clinical evaluation of highly sensitive silver amplification immunochromatography systems for rapid diagnosis of influenza
Author(s): Mitamura, Keiko; Shimizu, Hideaki; Yamazaki, Masahiko; et al.
Source: JOURNAL OF VIROLOGICAL METHODS Volume: 194 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 123-128 Published: DEC 2013

Title: Application of electrolysis for inactivation of an antiviral drug that is one of possible selection pressure to drug-resistant influenza viruses
Author(s): Kobayashi, Toyohide; Hirose, Jun; Wu, Hong; et al.
Source: JOURNAL OF VIROLOGICAL METHODS Volume: 194 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 154-160 Published: DEC 2013

Title: Simultaneous detection of hemagglutinin and neuraminidase genes of novel influenza A (H7N9) by duplex real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction
Author(s): Li, Yan; Wu, Tao; Qi, Xian; et al.
Source: JOURNAL OF VIROLOGICAL METHODS Volume: 194 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 194-196 Published: DEC 2013

Title: Expression and purification of bioactive hemagglutinin protein of highly pathogenic avian influenza A (H5N1) in silkworm larvae
Author(s): Dong, Jinhua; Harada, Mizuho; Yoshida, Sawako; et al.
Source: JOURNAL OF VIROLOGICAL METHODS Volume: 194 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 271-276 Published: DEC 2013

Title: Electrochemical real-time nucleic acid amplification: towards point-of-care quantification of pathogens
Author(s): Patterson, Adriana S.; Hsieh, Kuangwen; Soh, H. Tom; et al.
Source: TRENDS IN BIOTECHNOLOGY Volume: 31 Issue: 12 Pages: 704-712 Published: DEC 2013

Title: Germacrone inhibits early stages of influenza virus infection
Author(s): Liao, Qingjiao; Qian, Zhengxu; Liu, Rui; et al.
Source: ANTIVIRAL RESEARCH Volume: 100 Issue: 3 Pages: 578-588 Published: DEC 2013

Title: Strategies of highly pathogenic RNA viruses to block dsRNA detection by RIG-I-like receptors: Hide, mask, hit
Author(s): Zinzula, Luca; Tramontano, Enzo
Source: ANTIVIRAL RESEARCH Volume: 100 Issue: 3 Pages: 615-635 Published: DEC 2013

Title: Proteomic analysis at the subcellular level for host targets against influenza A virus (H1N1)
Author(s): Zhao, Haibao; Yang, Jing; Li, Kang; et al.
Source: ANTIVIRAL RESEARCH Volume: 100 Issue: 3 Pages: 673-687 Published: DEC 2013
Title: A novel influenza virus neuraminidase inhibitor AV5027
Author(s): Ivachtchenko, Alexandre V.; Ivanenkov, Yan A.; Mitkin, Oleg D.; et al.
Source: ANTIVIRAL RESEARCH Volume: 100 Issue: 3 Pages: 698-708 Published: DEC 2013

Title: Single-stranded DNA aptamer that specifically binds to the influenza virus NS1 protein suppresses interferon antagonism
Author(s): Woo, Hye-Min; Kim, Ki-Sun; Lee, Jin-Moo; et al.
Source: ANTIVIRAL RESEARCH Volume: 100 Issue: 2 Pages: 337-345 DOI: 10.1016/j.antiviral.2013.09.004 Published: NOV 2013

Title: Inhibition of influenza hemagglutinin with the antiviral inhibitor arbidol using a proteomics based approach and mass spectrometry
Author(s): Nasser, Zainab H.; Swaminathan, Kavya; Mueller, Patrick; et al.
Source: ANTIVIRAL RESEARCH Volume: 100 Issue: 2 Pages: 399-406 DOI: 10.1016/j.antiviral.2013.08.021 Published: NOV 2013

Title: Universal anti-neuraminidase antibody inhibiting all influenza A subtypes
Author(s): Doyle, Tracey M.; Hashem, Anwar M.; Li, Changgui; et al.
Source: ANTIVIRAL RESEARCH Volume: 100 Issue: 2 Pages: 567-574 DOI: 10.1016/j.antiviral.2013.09.018 Published: NOV 2013

Title: Electrochemical Detection of Avian Influenza Virus Genotype Using Amino-ssDNA Probe Modified Gold Electrodes
Author(s): Malecka, Kamila; Grabowska, Iwona; Radecki, Jerzy; et al.
Source: ELECTROANALYSIS Volume: 25 Issue: 8 Pages: 1871-1878 DOI: 10.1002/elan.201300113 Published: AUG 2013

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