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Title: Polymorphisms in oxidative stress-related genes and mortality in breast cancer patients - Potential differential effects by radiotherapy?
Author(s): Seibold, Petra; Hall, Per; Schoof, Nils; et al.
Source: BREAST Volume: 22 Issue: 5 Pages: 817-823 DOI: 10.1016/j.breast.2013.02.008 Published: OCT 2013
Title: 3-Nitrotyrosine, a biomarker for cardiomyocyte apoptosis induced by diabetic cardiomyopathy in a rat model
Author(s): Zhang, Ya-Li; Wei, Jin-Ru
Source: MOLECULAR MEDICINE REPORTS Volume: 8 Issue: 4 Pages: 989-994 DOI: 10.3892/mmr.2013.1644 Published: OCT 2013
Title: NO-inducible nitrosothionein mediates NO removal in tandem with thioredoxin
Author(s): Zhou, Shengmin; Narukami, Toshiaki; Masuo, Shunsuke; et al.
Source: NATURE CHEMICAL BIOLOGY Volume: 9 Issue: 10 Pages: 657-663 DOI: 10.1038/NCHEMBIO.1316 Published: OCT 2013
Title: Expression and function analysis of metallothionein in the testis of Portunus trituberculatus exposed to cadmium
Author(s): Xiang, Dong-Fang; Zhu, Jun-Quan; Jin, Shan; et al.
Source: AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY Volume: 140 Pages: 1-10 DOI: 10.1016/j.aquatox.2013.05.004 Published: SEP 15 2013
Title: Single and combined effects of cadmium and arsenate in Gammarus pulex (Crustacea, Amphipoda): Understanding the links between physiological and behavioural responses
Author(s): Vellinger, Celine; Gismondi, Eric; Felten, Vincent; et al.
Source: AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY Volume: 140 Pages: 106-116 DOI: 10.1016/j.aquatox.2013.05.010 Published: SEP 15 2013
Title: Biochemical biomarker responses of green-lipped mussel, Perna canaliculus, to acute and subchronic waterborne cadmium toxicity
Author(s): Chandurvelan, Rathishri; Marsden, Islay D.; Gaw, Sally; et al.
Source: AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY Volume: 140 Pages: 303-313 DOI: 10.1016/j.aquatox.2013.06.015 Published: SEP 15 2013
Title: Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Mutants Transmissible by Air Are Susceptible to Human and Animal Neutralizing Antibodies
Author(s): Du, Lanying; Li, Ye; Zhao, Guangyu; et al.
Source: JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES Volume: 208 Issue: 8 Pages: 1315-1319 DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jit323 Published: OCT 15 2013
Title: Estimation of the Association Between Antibody Titers and Protection Against Confirmed Influenza Virus Infection in Children
Author(s): Ng, Sophia; Fang, Vicky J.; Ip, Dennis K. M.; et al.
Source: JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES Volume: 208 Issue: 8 Pages: 1320-1324 DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jit372 Published: OCT 15 2013
Title: Characteristics of human infection with avian influenza viruses and development of new antiviral agents
Author(s): Liu, Qiang; Liu, Dong-ying; Yang, Zhan-qiu
Source: ACTA PHARMACOLOGICA SINICA Volume: 34 Issue: 10 Pages: 1257-1269 DOI: 10.1038/aps.2013.121 Published: OCT 2013
Title: Why Does Pandemic Influenza Virus Kill?
Author(s): Hartshorn, Kevan L.
Source: AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY Volume: 183 Issue: 4 Pages: 1125-1127 DOI: 10.1016/j.ajpath.2013.06.020 Published: OCT 2013
Title: Novel Avian-Origin Influenza A (H7N9) Virus Attaches to Epithelium in Both Upper and Lower Respiratory Tract of Humans
Author(s): van Riel, Debby; Leijten, Lonneke M. E.; de Graaf, Miranda; et al.
Source: AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY Volume: 183 Issue: 4 Pages: 1137-1143 DOI: 10.1016/j.ajpath.2013.06.011 Published: OCT 2013
Title: Subtyping Clinical Specimens of Influenza A Virus by Use of a Simple Method To Amplify RNA Targets
Author(s): Wang, Jingjing; Tai, Warren; Angione, Stephanie L.; et al.
Source: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY Volume: 51 Issue: 10 Pages: 3324-3330 DOI: 10.1128/JCM.01206-13 Published: OCT 2013
Title: Critical role of segment-specific packaging signals in genetic reassortment of influenza A viruses
Author(s): Essere, Boris; Yver, Matthieu; Gavazzi, Cyrille; et al.
Source: PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Volume: 110 Issue: 40 Pages: E3840-E3848 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1308649110 Published: OCT 1 2013
Title: Adenoviral vector expressing murine beta-defensin 2 enhances immunogenicity of an adenoviral vector based H5N1 influenza vaccine in aged mice
Author(s): Vemula, Sai V.; Pandey, Aseem; Singh, Neetu; et al.
Source: VIRUS RESEARCH Volume: 177 Issue: 1 Pages: 55-61 DOI: 10.1016/j.virusres.2013.07.008 Published: OCT 2013
Title: H9N2 avian influenza infection altered expression pattern of Sphiogosine-1-phosphate Receptor 1 in BALB/c mice
Author(s): Tong, Shuang; Tian, Jin; Wang, Heng; et al.
Source: VIROLOGY JOURNAL Volume: 10 Article Number: 296 DOI: 10.1186/1743-422X-10-296 Published: SEP 30 2013
Title: Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus Nucleoprotein Interacts with TREX Complex Adaptor Protein Aly/REF
Author(s): Balasubramaniam, Vinod R. M. T.; Wai, Tham Hong; Tejo, Bimo Ario; et al.
Source: PLOS ONE Volume: 8 Issue: 9 Article Number: e72429 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0072429 Published: SEP 20 2013
Title: Multiphasic Effects of Cholesterol on Influenza Fusion Kinetics Reflect Multiple Mechanistic Roles
Author(s): Domanska, Marta K.; Wrona, Dominik; Kasson, Peter M.
Source: BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL Volume: 105 Issue: 6 Pages: 1383-1387 DOI: 10.1016/j.bpj.2013.08.003 Published: SEP 17 2013
Title: Microdroplet Sandwich Real-Time RT-PCR for Detection of Pandemic and Seasonal Influenza Subtypes
Author(s): Angione, Stephanie L.; Inde, Zintis; Beck, Christina M.; et al.
Source: PLOS ONE Volume: 8 Issue: 9 Article Number: e73497 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0073497 Published: SEP 16 2013
Title: Survivability of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1 Virus in Poultry Faeces at Different Temperatures
Author(s): Kurmi, Baleshwari; Murugkar, H. V.; Nagarajan, S.; et al.
Source: INDIAN JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY Volume: 24 Issue: 2 Pages: 272-277 DOI: 10.1007/s13337-013-0135-2 Published: SEP 2013
Title: Novel avian-origin influenza A (H7N9) virus in the human
Author(s): Wiwanitkit, Viroj
Source: JOURNAL OF THE CHINESE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION Volume: 76 Issue: 9 Pages: 532-532 DOI: 10
Title: Characterization of PA-N terminal domain of Influenza A polymerase reveals sequence specific RNA cleavage
Author(s): Datta, Kausiki; Wolkerstorfer, Andrea; Szolar, Oliver H. J.; et al.
Source: NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH Volume: 41 Issue: 17 Pages: 8289-8299 DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkt603 Published: SEP 2013
.1016/j.jcma.2013.07.012 Published: SEP 2013
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