Electrochemical studies of flavonoids in wine

Nela Bacovska, Marketa Kominkova, Branislav Ruttkay-Nedecky, Pavel Kopel, Libuse Trnkova, Ondrej Zitka, Vojtech Adam, Rene Kizek

Many studies have already proven the positive effects of flavonoids on organisms. There are many plants which content important amounts of these secondary metabolites in their bodies, one of those being certainly vine (Vitis vinifera). The consumption of wine products is very popular all over the world and it is also connected with the health beneficial effects that it provides. Red wines content more flavonoids then other white or rosé varieties. It is mainly the consequence of the winemaking process during which the grape skin is either removed of left to release its secondary metabolite content, in case of the red and partially the rosé varieties

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