30th International Papillomavirus Conference & Clinical and Public Health Workshops

Zbynek Heger, Ana Maria Jimenez Jimenez

Laboratory reports The 30th conference on the HPV was organized on 17-21 September, 2015 in Lisbon, Portugal. The exciting conference was attended by more than 700 people from various countries all over the world. It brought together researchers, clinicians and other healthcare professionals in an international forum, enabling the exchange of the latest advances in both science and practice, within the research and clinical community. Through a variety of state-of-the-art sessions, lectures, roundtable discussions, workshops and sessions including oral and poster presentations, the conference had a special focus on HPV-related diseases and globalization of HPV knowledge through a development of HPV diagnostic sensors and also through their spread to developing countries. Due to a number of participants, the conference program was very complex and consisted of various sessions, such as HPV life cycle, carcinogenesis, biomarkers, transformation and tumorigenesis, guidelines for HPV management and many others. Special attention was paid to relation of HPV and cervical cancers and also a HPV linkage with head and neck cancers, which is relatively new phenomenon, and thus research in this field offers a lot of substantial information. We participated on conference program with three posters dealing with a relation of HPV presence in head and neck cancer subjects and the levels of oxidative stress, displayed as the concentrations of serum metallothionein, glutathiones and zinc. We have also presented our results, showing PCR identification and subtypization of HPV within these patients. Our third contributions demonstrated by us designated utilization of paramagnetic nanoparticles for specific isolation of HPV DNA through a binding with E7 gene and its subsequent electrochemical characterization. Overall, the conference provided a very detailed insight into the family of oncogenic HPVs and it motivated us to accelerate the HPV research in Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry on Mendel University in Brno.

