The ratio of GSH/GSSG in biological organisms

Marketa Kominkova, Ondrej Zitka, Rene Kizek

Tripeptide glutathion is one of the most important thiol compound. It is involved in a wide variety of cellular processes. In the organism it occurs in two forms: as a reduced glutathion (GSH) and as an oxidized glutathion (GSSG). Protective and regulatory functions of GSH are based on changes in its redox state. GSH and GSSG forms together one of the most significant redox couples in the cell. Their ratio under the physiological conditions is usually constant, regardless of the total concentration of glutathion in a cell. The ratio of both forms of glutathion is considered as an indicator of oxidative stress effect.


Obr. 1: Na obrázku je zobrazen obecný postup syntézy a metabolismu glutathionu. Z kyseliny glutamové (Glu) a cysteinu (Cys) vzniká díky enzymu γ-glutamylcystein syntáza (γ-ECS) γ-glutamylcystein (γ-Glu- -Cys). Účinkem enzymu glutathion syntázy (GSH-S) se z γ-Glu-Cys a glycinu (Gly) syntetizuje glutathion v redukované formě (GSH). Jako antioxidant se GSH oxiduje na oxidovanou formu glutathionu (GSSG) za účasti enzymu glutathion peroxidázy (Gpo). Díky působení glutation reduktázy (GshR) se glutathion vyskytuje především ve formě GSH. K degradaci glutathionu v buňkách dochází díky γ-glutamyl transpeptidáze (GGT) na kyselinu glutamovou (Glu) a dipeptid cysteinylglycin (Cys-Gly)

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