
Gossypol occures in different parts of cotton-plant. It's function in protection against insect is limited. Some insects respond to Gossypol in very high concentration only. It has some effect against mould too.

Gossypol has harmful effect on animals because of primary toxicity and the second reason is that it reacts with proteins or other nutrients, which leads to decrease of nutritional value. Usage of cotton iol meat in ruminant's nutrition is without hazard. Sensitive are milking cows on the beginning of lactation and youngs with undeveloped proventriculi.

Usage of cotton oil meat in monogastric animals nutrition should be limited.

Oral letal dose per kg of live weigh:

  • pigs - 0,55 g
  • rabitts - 0,5-0,95 g if gossypol is serve in water, higher toxicity has disolved in oil.

Safe content pro pigs is max. 0,01 % of free gossypol weight in feed ratio.

Harmful effects

Effects of harmfulness in monogastric animals are lower feed intake, weight waste, diarhoea, hair discolouration, haemolytic anemia, oedematose liquid in ventricle, lungs and heart, degenerative changes on liver and kidney, bleeding liver, small intestine and stomach. Gossypol can reacts with iron, which is contain in yolk and result is olive green colour of yolk. In addition, hatching performance could be worsen.

Created by: Ivo