Erudic acid

Erudic acid is main fat acid in rape and mustard oil. It's mainly present in older varieties of rape on level from 25 to 45%, but new varieties are erudic acid free. Erudic acid is mainly cardio-toxic compound, which is able to cause heart cells fat degeneration and fibrosis. Erudic acid negative affected synthesis of ATP in growing chicks, cause decrease of feed intake, weight gain, lipic metabolism and metabolism of particular fat acids (SIM et al., 1983). RENNER et al. (1979) say, that erudic acid decrese fat deposition and fat efficiency. Negative effect is already caused by levels above 0.6 % in feed. Layers fed by feed with rape oil containing erudic acid had lower feed consumption, egg yield, egg weigh, yolk weigh, hatching performance in comparison with that ones, which were fed by feed with beef fat or corn oil. Erudic acid can has negatice effect on sensoric quality of eggs.

Created by: Ivo