Cotton oil meal

Cotton oil meal or cotton cake from defibre cotton seeds are yellowish. It contains up to 50 % crude protein. Alcaloid gossypol is present in coat and can be blood and nervous poison,in high quantity, especially for young ones. That´s why cotton oil meal from defibre or partly defibre and unstripped seeds and cotton cake from defibre cotton seeds can be feeding to older cattle category only. It has also high fiber and lower crude protein content.

During oil extraction from cotton meal is eductive reagent (e.g. hexane) remowed by drying (110°C) in two hours period. This technological operation has adverse effect on protein digestibility. Condensed tannins contein is determinated by level of coats in cotton meal. Feed with high level of coats and this way modified (high temperature) has low protein utility for non-ruminate animals.

Antinutritive stuffs

Feed can contain following antinutritive stuffs



Nutrient Fresh
Dry matter
Dry matter g 885,00 1 000,00
NEL MJ 5,96 6,73
NEV MJ 5,91 6,68
PDIN g 293,49 331,63
PDIE g 191,52 216,41
Crude protein g 415,95 470,00
Crude fiber g 101,78 115,00
Ca g 3,19 3,60
P g 6,20 7,00
Na g 0,44 0,50
Zn mg 60,00 67,80
Vit. A tis.m.j. 0,07 0,08
Vit. E tis.m.j. 4,87 5,50
Created by: Ivo