Sunflower oil meal

Sunflower oil meal or sunflower cake has from grey to gray-black color. This depends on level seed processing. Product from unstripped seeds or partial shelled seeds has high fibre content (20% - 26 %). Sharp coats can induce indigestion in sensitive animals therefore are feeding above all older cattle category and dairy cows.Sunflower oil meal from shelled seeds is high-quality feed. It content around 44 % crude protein with lower lysine content.


Nutrient Fresh
Dry matter
Dry matter g 900,00 1 000,00
NEL MJ 4,89 5,43
NEV MJ 4,56 5,07
PDIN g 272,15 302,39
PDIE g 123,14 136,82
Crude protein g 424,89 472,10
Crude fiber g 148,50 165,00
Ca g 3,06 3,40
P g 10,71 11,90
Na g 0,27 0,30
Zn mg 71,19 79,10
Vit. A tis.m.j. 0
Vit. E tis.m.j. 10,44 11,60


Created by: Ivo