Soya bean meal

Soya bean meal is the most important protein grain feed. It has high crude protein content (41 % 50 %) and lysine level is sufficient. It has exploitation in feeding for all race and animals category. Soya bean oil meal has number of antinutritional factors (especially antitrypsine factor) which are inaktivate during extraction, but not all, only major part.

Antinutritive stuffs

Feed can contain following antinutritive stuffs

 Protease inhibitor


Nutrient Fresh
Dry matter
Dry matter g 890,00 1 000,00
NEL MJ 7,31 8,21
NEV MJ 7,65 8,60
PDIN g 317,12 356,32
PDIE g 211,78 237,96
Crude protein g 445,45 500,50
Crude fiber g 64,17 72,10
Ca g 2,76 3,10
P g 6,59 7,40
Na g 0,36 0,40
Zn mg 52,69 59,20
Vit. A tis.m.j. 0,39 0,44
Vit. E tis.m.j. 1,96 2,20


Created by: Ivo