Potato protein

Botato protein is obtained during potato processing. It's dried, so it look like a potato flakes - soft, from fallow to brown flakes with specific aroma as dry potatoes. It contain upto 71 % of crude protein.


Nutrient Fresh
Dry matter g 920,00
ME pigs MJ 16,61
Crude fiber g 4,05
Crude protein g 757,44
Lysine g 56,12
Threonine g 46,92
Ca g 4,69
Digestible phosporus g 0,74
Na g 0,46
Vit. A tis.m.j. 0,40
Vit. D tis.m.j.
Vit. E mg 2,02
Vit. B1 mg 3,50
Vit. B2 mg 1,38
Pantothenic acid mg 18,40
Choline mg 2 410,40
Created by: Ivo