Potato pulp

Potato pulp rested after potatoes fine shreding and washing crumbs. It's pressed in starch factory for increasing of dry matter to 20 %. It should contain 25 % of starch in dry matter at least. It is glycide feedstuff. Proteins were washed away during srumbs washing. Potato pulps are fed mainly to cattle (fresh or ensiled). In dry matter of 25 % is possible to ensiled potato pulp better than sugar beet pulp. They crush down well and are more durable, so they are in good state even more than year. Dried potato pulp are concentrate with starch content suitable for supplemetation of roughages. However, they have not as high crude protein, good taste and feeding value as dried sugar beet pulp. They have faint taste and poor in minerals.


Nutrient Fresh
Dry matter g 80,00
MEn poultry MJ
Crude protein g 5,00
Lysine g
Methionine g
Meth+Cys g
Ca g 0,23
Non-phytate phosporus g
Na g 0,06
Mn mg
Zn mg
Vit. A tis.m.j.
Vit. D tis.m.j.
Vit. E mg
Created by: Ivo