Brewer's draff

Brewer's draff is liquid feedstuff which go bad very quickly mainly in summer. It's dried in brew house by termic-waste, wherby very valuable feedstuff is obtained. Look like barley coarse meal, it's colour is slightly darker. Aroma is bread. From 120 kg of malt is obtained 12 - 130 kg of fresh draff with content 20 % of dry matter and from 100 kg of fresh draff is obtained cca 20 kg of dried draff. It's used in feed rations of milking cows, fattening cattle and pigs.


Nutrient Fresh
Dry matter
Dry matter g 905,00 1 000,00
NEL MJ 5,76 6,37
NEV MJ 5,60 6,19
PDIN g 163,76 180,95
PDIE g 111,34 123,03
Crude protein g 240,37 265,60
Crude fiber g 142,81 157,80
Ca g 3,08 3,40
P g 5,34 5,90
Na g 1,99 2,20
Zn mg 34,12 37,70
Vit. A tis.m.j. 0
Vit. E tis.m.j. 24,62 27,20


Created by: Ivo