
Flax seeds contain 30 - 45 % of fat abd 22 - 27 % og crude protein. It is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids. It has very possitive dietetic effect, it is especialy suitable for young, gravid, ill animals and animals in convalescence. It has possitive effect to milk secretion. Limiting amino-acid is lysine. Main glykosides of Flax seed are linustatine, neolinustatine and linamarine. Before usage, heat treatment is necessary to demage of linase enzyme, which cause hydrogen cyanide releasing. It has laxative effect in higher level in feed mixtures.

Feeding recommendation

Over 5 % in feed mixture it can has laxative effect.

Antinutritive stuffs

Until recently, as a main glycoside of flax seed was taken for linamarine, but critical is content of neolinustatine and linustatine. There were tested 10 Canadian species of flax and was found that content of linustatine was 2100-3500 mg/kg, neolinustatine 900-2000 mg/kg, but only to the limit 320 mg/kg of linamarine. Content of glycosides is influenced mainly by species, location and crop year.

 Cyanogenic glycosides


Nutrient Fresh
Dry matter
Dry matter g 900,00 1 000,00
NEL MJ 9,84 10,93
NEV MJ 10,40 11,55
PDIN g 125,71 139,68
PDIE g 54,38 60,42
Crude protein g 216,45 240,50
Crude fiber g 79,38 88,20
Ca g 2,52 2,80
P g 5,76 6,40
Na g 0,54 0,60
Zn mg 55,08 61,20
Vit. A tis.m.j. 0,05 0,05
Vit. E tis.m.j. 25,38 28,20


Created by: Ivo