1. obalka



Human papilloma virus (HPV) and methods for its identification in head and neck cancers

Ana Maria Jimenez Jimenez, Branislav Ruttkay-Nedecký, Ondřej Zítka, Vojtěch Adam, René Kizek


Clinical application of capillary electrophoresis – determination of free amino acids in body fluids

Markéta Janotová, Kristýna Šmerková, Markéta Vaculovičová, René Kizek


The role of phytochelatins in plant and animals: A review

Miguel Angel Merlos, Petr Michálek, Olga Kryštofová, Ondřej Zítka, Vojtěch Adam, René Kizeka,


Paramagnetic particles for immobilization of metallothionein – promising biomarker of head and neck cancer

Natalia Cernei, Zbyněk Heger, Kateřina Tmejová, Roman Guráň, Pavel Kopel, Ondřej Zítka, Vojtěch Adam, René Kizek


Delivery of doxorubicin using protein nanocarriers

Simona Dostálová, Dita Műnzová, Markéta Vaculovičová, René Kizek


MIR-150 electrochemical detection connected with specific isolation based on magnetic particles

Kristýna Šmerková, Marcela Vlčnovská, Veronika Vlahova, Ludmila Krejčová, Markéta Vaculovičová, René Kizek


Nanomaghemite core functionalized with ion-exchange resins for isolation of biogennic amines

Natalia Cernei, Zbyněk Heger, Pavel Kopel, Ondřej Zítka, Vojtěch Adam, René Kizek


Modern techniques of increase the antibacterial properties of the instruments

Kristýna Číhalová, Dagmar Chudobová, Vedran Milosavljevic, Pavel Kopel, Zbyněk Heger, Vojtěch Adam, René Kizek

Scientific abstract

Detection of sentinel lymph node using magnetic nanoparticles

Tomáš Eckschlager

Laboratory Report

Opening of working and meeting room for nanobiometalnet project

Petr Čapek, Ondřej Zítka

Laboratory Report

New directions of electrochemistry, bioelectrochemistry,nanoelectrochemistry and bioengineering

René Kizek, Zbyněk Heger, Petr Michálek, Ondřej Zítka