Feeding sugar

Feeding sugar is feedstuff with high energy value. It's made from sugar-beet or sugar-cane. Fawn or brown colour is caused by residues of primary matter stuck on surface of crystal. Aroma as well as taste is specifically sweet. Consistence use to be loose analagous to granulated sugar; sometimes can be slightly sticky. It's similar to molasses, but sugar is better in manipulation and storaging and has two times higher nutritional value. It's used as supplement of energy in feed mixture and for improvement of taste characteristics which is mainly important in youngs.


Nutrient Fresh
Dry matter g 998,00
MEn poultry MJ 15,59
Crude protein g 1,00
Lysine g 0,03
Methionine g 0,03
Meth+Cys g 0,07
Ca g 0,30
Non-phytate phosporus g 0,10
Na g 0,20
Mn mg 0,90
Zn mg 7,19
Vit. A tis.m.j.
Vit. D tis.m.j.
Vit. E mg
Created by: Ivo