
Molasses is co-product of sugar industry. It's colour is dark brown or brownish-black depending on origin, If it's from raw-sugar factory or rafinery. It's taste as well as aroma is specifically sweetish, consistence is dense, treacly, rarely can contain sugar crystals. It should not contain mechanic impurities and should be as low foamy as possible. It contain approximately 50 % of sugar and should not has more than 25 % of water in order to not go bad too quickly. Molasses from some sugar houses contains only from 8 to 10 % of sugar because of introduction of new technologies.

Chemical reaction is alcaline. It should not have signs of microbiological decomposition by fermentation. It's used for suplementation of energy in feed mixture for different variety and categories. In feed mixtures processing molasses is instrumental in granulation or in mollase-enriched feed mixtures. During this process is mixtured with bran or feeding meal. It's used with bulk feeds - it make it more tasty and it's energy source for microflora during ensilaging or yeast processing. Cane mollase which has rather higher energetic value in comparison with beet mollases, but lower crude protein level. It's specific effects are a little worse than the beet molllase's ones.


Nutrient Fresh
Dry matter g 768,00
MEn poultry MJ 7,83
Crude protein g 87,32
Lysine g 0,38
Methionine g 0,38
Meth+Cys g 1,00
Ca g 1,84
Non-phytate phosporus g 0,15
Na g 8,76
Mn mg 7,53
Zn mg 18,05
Vit. A tis.m.j.
Vit. D tis.m.j.
Vit. E mg 1,00
Created by: Ivo