Barley offals from groats production

Barley offals are secondary product from barley processing to groats. It contain mainly seed tunic and cereals dust.It has high part of fibre and low nutritive value


Nutrient Fresh
Dry matter g 885,00
MEn poultry MJ 8,89
Crude protein g 123,90
Lysine g 4,96
Methionine g 2,30
Meth+Cys g 4,96
Ca g 1,95
Non-phytate phosporus g 0,89
Na g 0,44
Mn mg 17,97
Zn mg 17,97
Vit. A tis.m.j.
Vit. D tis.m.j.
Vit. E mg
Created by: Ivo