Oat peelings

Oat peelings remained on oat peeling in mills during oat rice or oat flakes processing. Peelings have yellow or yellow-grey colour depend on grain coat colour. Have very low nutritive value and high fibre level. Oat peelings are used for suplement older cattle feed ratio, especially fattening cattle, eventually others animals (horse). Are used as part of additional mixtures.


Nutrient Fresh
Dry matter g 885,00
ME pigs MJ 4,50
Crude fiber g 282,40
Crude protein g 47,17
Lysine g 2,30
Threonine g 2,30
Ca g 1,42
Digestible phosporus g 0,53
Na g 0,53
Vit. A tis.m.j. 0,08
Vit. D tis.m.j.
Vit. E mg
Vit. B1 mg 0,97
Vit. B2 mg 2,83
Pantothenic acid mg 3,54
Choline mg 331,08
Created by: Ivo