
Sunflower is used in feeds for fancy birds as full seed. In comparison with other oilseeds has higher fibre content (25 - 26 %), whereas semi-hulled seeds has lower fibre content (less than 10 %). It is average protein feedstuff with content of crude protein at level of 180g per 1 kg dry matter.


Nutrient Fresh
Dry matter
Dry matter g 910,00 1 000,00
NEL MJ 9,28 10,20
NEV MJ 9,55 10,49
PDIN g 96,09 105,59
PDIE g 30,69 33,73
Crude protein g 159,16 174,90
Crude fiber g 234,23 257,40
Ca g 1,73 1,90
P g 6,01 6,60
Na g 1,00 1,10
Zn mg 39,31 43,20
Vit. A tis.m.j. 0,35 0,38
Vit. E tis.m.j. 65,98 72,50


Created by: Ivo