Vetch and white lupine

Vetch and white lupine (sweet) are used for animal nutrition in small amount in our country. They contain rather high amount of crude protein (vetch 25,5 %; white lupine 35 %), they have posittive enegretic value too.

Feeding recommendation

Recommended daily rations of legumes per animal and day:


  • diarycow - 1 kg
  • calf - 0,1-0,2
  • breeding cattle - 0,2-0,5
  • fattening cattle - 0,1-1
  • breeding bull - 0,2-0,5


  • lamb - maximum 0,2 kg
  • other cattegories - maximum 0,3 kg


  • sow - 0,1-0,3 kg
  • piglets - 0,05-0,1 kg
  • young breeding - 0,1-0,2 kg
  • fattening pigs - 0,2-0,5 kg
  • breeding boar - 0,1-0,3


  • mare - 0,1-0,4 kg
  • foal - 0,1-0,3 kg
  • draufht horse - 0,3-0,5 kg
  • stud horse - 0,1 - 0,3 kg
  • Antinutritive stuffs

    Feed can contain following antinutritive stuffs



    Nutrient Fresh
    Dry matter
    Dry matter g 880,00 1 000,00
    NEL MJ 7,27 8,26
    NEV MJ 7,51 8,53
    PDIN g 201,11 228,53
    PDIE g 86,39 98,17
    Crude protein g 347,16 394,50
    Crude fiber g 144,32 164,00
    Ca g 2,29 2,60
    P g 4,49 5,10
    Na g 0,18 0,20
    Zn mg 37,58 42,70
    Vit. A tis.m.j. 0
    Vit. E tis.m.j. 0


Created by: Ivo