Green bristle-grass

Greeen bristle-grass is cereal with higher energy value. In condition of Czech republic range sporadicaly. There is two varieties, when one is slightly bigger than the second. Content of nutrints is little better than in millet, but basically it is the same.


Nutrient Fresh
Dry matter g 880,00
MEn poultry MJ 12,39
Crude protein g 118,01
Lysine g 2,20
Methionine g 0,53
Meth+Cys g 4,05
Ca g 0,44
Non-phytate phosporus g
Na g 0,44
Mn mg 29,13
Zn mg 13,90
Vit. A tis.m.j.
Vit. D tis.m.j.
Vit. E mg
Created by: Ivo