Journal of Metallomics and Nanotechnologies

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum adipiscing fermentum sem laoreet iaculis. Nulla consectetur, dolor ut tincidunt tempor, metus justo sagittis libero, id molestie lectus justo in purus. Donec aliquet fringilla dui, et gravida arcu. Phasellus vestibulum elit vitae tellus interdum pretium. Quisque at tortor eu urna accumsan tincidunt. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Duis vel dolor et erat iaculis bibendum ac vel nisi. Quisque ut ultricies arcu. Maecenas ullamcorper, augue ut tempor lacinia, lectus purus interdum velit, ut ultricies ipsum velit id felis. Morbi lacus neque, vulputate id magna non, rutrum viverra felis. Nam libero est, convallis sed augue eu, hendrerit imperdiet enim. Nunc quis nibh in tortor iaculis commodo et sed erat. Aliquam fringilla metus orci, sit amet posuere nunc pellentesque ut. Sed nec nisl sit amet metus ultrices fermentum. In cursus justo in metus adipiscing fringilla. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

Liposomální transportéry

Jana Houbová, Markéta Vaculovičová, René Kizek

This review article is giving the overview on about application of liposomes as carriers of compounds. The properties of liposomes are summarized and their advantages for transport are highlighted. Liposomes as drug carriers can encapsulate the substance or drug, which is then purposefully released. This is the reason why liposomes have wide range of using, because this is promising step in research, not only in medicine, but also in pharmacy, biopharmacy, biophysics and cosmetics industries. By the Liposomes can be transport various substances. The most commonly transmitted and subsequently release hormones particles (quantum dots or gold nanoparticles) and many types of drugs (antibiotics, cytostatic drugs). Liposomes, due to its structure, can penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, even in some organs without damaging them (for example in the brain, which is one of the hardest transport ever). The utilization of liposomes for targeted delivery of drugs, hormones and nanoparticles is mentioned.


MiRNA: Od biogeneze po využití v lékařství

Veronika Vlahová, Kristýna Šmerková, Markéta Vaculovičová, René Kizek

Shrnutí vzniku a mechanismu rezistence vůči těžkým kovům

Matěj Sklenář, Dagmar Chudobová, Kristýna Číhalová, Marie Konečná, Vojtěch Adam, René Kizeka,b

Prionové proteiny a jejich interakce s těžkými kovy

Veronika Vlahová, Kristýna Šmerková, Markéta Vaculovičová, René Kizek